A Free Story As Promised / The Farmer and Dale Ch. 1
As I announced on my yahoo group a few days ago, I'm posting a free story that I wrote under another name. The story is called, The Farmer and Dale. WARNING! This is a male/male romance and will contain explicit sex between men. If this sort of thing offends you, please do not read further! I'm re-editing and adding a bit as I go and hope to post a new chapter each week. As it stands now, there will be 14 chapters, perhaps more if I decide to take the story further. I hope you enjoy it.
Chapter One
Dale Vaden stepped out the front door, onto the porch. The overhanging roof shaded him from the gentle rays of the afternoon sun. It was a beautiful, spring day. The temperatures had been hovering in the mid-sixties for the past week. He stretched his back, groaning as his spine popped and realigned. Clearing a house of some sixty years accumulation of living was not easy.
He walked down the three concrete steps at the place where porch and house joined. Stepping to the left, he seated himself on the edge of the porch. He tilted his face to the sun, reveling in the soft heat and light that bathed his skin, while turning the sightless vision behind his closed lids, a rich, radiant red. A lazy breeze touched him now and then. It sent a shiver through him, reminding him of a lovers caress, a lover who was gone after four years. Four years in which Dale had surrendered his heart and believed he'd found his life's partner. How could he have known that Tony didn't feel the same?
Dale's eyes opened as thoughts of Tony flooded his mind, "Ah shit." he whispered.
He stared across the rolling, stubbled fields that surrounded his three acres of land, in the midst of Illinois farm country. Tony was exactly what he didn't want to think about. Tony, with his tall, dark, Italian good looks, his glossy black hair, tremendously sexy, brown eyes, and his larger than life presence. It was infectious, the way he drew every eye in the room with his open, easy attitude and that booming laugh that invited everyone to join in his amusement.
Head shaking, Dale attempted to deny the wrenching sense of loss and the dark abyss that
threatened to open at his feet when thoughts of Tony crept in. Thoughts of Tony and David. Even after two years in which he'd come to realize that Tony really wasn't the man Dale had thought him to be, it still hurt. Especially considering that David, his own brother, was instrumental in the breakup that tore the heart from him, leaving Dale feeling not only empty and alone but more lost than he’d ever felt in his life.
He rubbed a hand across his face, sighing in resignation. A frown crinkled his brow as he
admonished himself. It did no good to dwell on the past, at least as far as he and Tony were concerned. He needed to keep reminding himself that this was for the best, that Tony had never truly made him happy. Tony was too much, ‘out there.' He was always busy running around, socializing, frittering away his time and money. Sure, he made a good living and worked hard, but he spent it almost as fast as he earned it. His attitude sometimes made Dale nervous.
Responsible, staid Dale, who liked to spend the occasional weekend at home instead of running all over creation. Who liked knowing there was a nest egg in the bank, who paid his bills on time and made his deadlines with unerring accuracy.
It was his and Tony's biggest bone of contention. When he was denied his way, Tony pouted with all the aplomb of a four year old. His idea of fun was spending the weekends in endless rounds of shopping at malls, and bar hopping. Dale had generally given in and gone along, until he began to feel resentful and put upon. The years of separation had shown him clearly that their relationship had been headed for trouble. Something that he'd been unable to admit while blinded by his love and need for Tony's companionship. It was sometimes hard to admit that he’d been blinded by the picture he'd built in his mind, instead of seeing the reality of the situation.
Everything considered, Dale knew, if he was honest with himself, his biggest loss was his
relationship with his brother. It had been such a shock when David and Tony had come to him, announcing that they wanted to be together. Dale had had a feeling that Tony was drifting away, it just never occurred to him that the someone he was drifting towards, was David. It was a double betrayal, one that had rocked him to his very foundations.
He missed his brother. That was why he struggled so hard to be honest with himself, to lay to rest the demons that tormented him. David had made several attempts to reconcile, but Dale had not been ready to accept his overtures. The pain was too fresh and too raw. His thoughts had been disorganized and jumbled. The ability to think clearly, without the emotional baggage clouding his thought processes, had been impossible. And so he held on to his hurt, nursing it, until the fog had lifted and he began to see all the components involved in the breakup. He began to see that Tony and David had not wanted to hurt him. His brother wasn't a heartless betrayer, he was a man in love.
A wry smile tilted his lips. Now David contended with the never ending running and Tony's spend-thrift ways. And yet, from what he heard from mutual friends, David was successfully taming Tony's wild side. Dale wasn't surprised. David had a way about him, a stubborn core of strength, that when he brought it to bear on a person, he usually managed to bend the unsuspecting victim to his way of thinking. It was a quality Dale lacked, one he admired and had been the target of many times as they grew up.
A full fledged smile lit his face as he thought of David. Dale realized, barring any reservations David might have, and he seemed to have none, that he was nearing the point of being ready to resume a relationship with his brother. A phone call first, he decided. He wasn't quite ready to see the reality of David and Tony together in domestic bliss, but a phone call would be a good start.
That resolved, Dale felt the tension that pulled at his shoulders, ease. Now all I need is a truck to haul all this stuff to Goodwill, a dumpster for the rest and a good man to give me a massage when I get all this hauling done, he thought to himself.
The dull drone of a tractor broke his train of thought. As though on cue, it came into view on the road in front of the house. Seated behind the wheel was a broad-shouldered man in dusty jeans, tee shirt, and work boots. He wore sunglasses, and had a baseball cap perched on his head. Dale couldn't make out his features or his age very well, though from his general build and posture, he seemed young. As he watched, the man turned his head, spotting Dale on the porch. The farmer lifted an arm and waved a friendly greeting, which Dale returned. He continued to the far edge of the field which was bordered by a hedge row. He turned the tractor in and began making rounds. The tractor hauled some kind of tank set up, which Dale assumed contained fertilizer or weed control of some kind.
He watched the farmer make a few rounds, then sighed and rose, determined to continue until the house was cleared. His grandmother had accumulated a lot of things over the years. A few things of value, like the oak library table, barrister bookcases and the two amazingly comfortable, heavy oak arm chairs with deep padded seats that resided in her bedroom. She also had an extensive set of Franciscan Ware dishes in a poppy pattern, that was displayed in a beautiful mahogany china cupboard. They were actually quite cheery looking with their raised yellow flowers and green leaves, Dale liked them. But for the most part, it was the ordinary assemblage of things one picks up as one goes through life.
Their grandmother had left the house equally to Dale and David. Dale had been seized by the notion of making a change and decided to move, hoping the distance between himself, Tony and David would help. True it was only a few hundred miles, but Dale had found himself relaxing after the move. He'd been unaware of the tension his body was undergoing at thoughts of meeting Tony or David in the public places the three of them frequented. Even simple things like grocery shopping had left him with a headache.
He'd had their lawyer contact his brother about buying his half of the property, to which David had been more than agreeable. David had never been fond of vegetating in the country, perhaps another reason that he and Tony got on so well.
Dale had gratefully cleared his condo of anything unwanted, packed what he needed, arranged to have the rest of it shipped and got out of Dodge. As a writer, he was able to locate anywhere he pleased. Suddenly he was aware of the fact that he was very pleased indeed. He loved the house. The grounds and gardens needed help and he had lots to keep him busy. He began to whistle a little off-key ditty as he returned to boxing up and clearing out the contents of the house.
* * *
Rick Hunter made yet another round on the tractor. The job was rote, one he'd done so many times over the years it was automatic. He'd learned farming from his father and his grandfather, it was something that ran in the Hunter men's veins, mingling with their blood. Normally, he could disconnect from everything, concentrate on the job, leaving his thoughts, however troubling, behind. Not today. Today, they insisted on jabbing at him with pitchfork-like tongs that had his head throbbing.
Rick was 27. It was time and past for him to be married and having a family, or so his parents told him. Like they didn't have enough grandchildren already. Seven, to be precise, three from his brother, Paul, and his wife, three from his sister, Sharon, and her husband, and one from his other sister, Karen, and her husband. You'd think they'd be satisfied with that, but no. Just this morning he'd gotten a call from his mom, hinting around about that nice girl, Vicky Williams, who attended their church.
Rick knew Vicky. Vicky liked to hang out at Smiley's, on the weekends with her friends. Once in a while she picked up a guy and took him home. Rick had been one of those guys. Vicky was a nice girl, and a decent lay, but Rick wasn't looking to marry her. Rick wasn't looking to marry any woman. Which was exactly the problem.
Over the years, he'd had more than his share of women. At 6'2", with rich, dark, honey-blonde hair, blue-green eyes and features of face and body that a modeling agency would drool over, Rick garnered more than a few looks. Looks that came not only from women, but from men as well. Rick was having a harder and harder time not returning those looks. Not the ones from the women, but those from the men.
From the time he was an adolescent, he'd been aware of an attraction for both sexes. It became more than apparent however, that the majority of the population wasn't particularly sympathetic to same sex couples. With that in mind, Rick had limited himself to dating women only, until he turned 20.
He'd gone into Springfield, with some friends for a night of bars and strip joints. While
searching for an elusive club, they'd gotten lost. Rick stopped at a pay phone that luckily had a phone book, he planned to call the club and ask for directions. Paging through the book, he came across a flyer that had been stuck between the pages. Stud's, it advertised, a club that featured an all male revue, a club for men only. Rick had carefully folded the flyer and stuck it in his pocket. He’d made the call, he and his friends found the club they'd been searching for, and spent the rest of the evening ogling mostly naked women, while sucking down beer after beer.
Rick had been distracted. As the designated driver he had to stay sober, and though he enjoyed watching the women, thoughts of an all male revue kept creeping into his consciousness. What would it be like to watch some sexy stud dance and strip down until he was wearing next to nothing or nothing at all? The thought had Rick hard as a rock. Fortunately, under the circumstances, such was to be expected. He didn't have to make excuses for sprouting a hardon, when every other man in the room was in a similar condition. On his return home, Rick had beat off to thoughts of male strippers gyrating their hot bodies for his pleasure.
In the days that followed, thoughts of spending an evening at Stud's, became an obsession. Three weeks later he made the trip into Springfield, found the club and walked into testosterone heaven. It was better than he'd imagined. Wall to wall men, not a woman in sight. And the smell. Heated male flesh, musky and distinctive, not a flowery scent in the crowd. Rick felt his cock firming up from the smell alone.
He made his way to the bar and ordered a beer, turning to watch the couples on the dance floor. Trying not to let his inexperience show, he ran the gamut of emotions from amazement to jealousy that he wasn't on the floor dancing. Something that was soon remedied.
From the time he'd walked in the door he'd been under scrutiny. It wasn't long before he was approached and asked to dance. Feeling awkward but determined Rick accepted, and soon found himself with partner after partner. He enjoyed the dancing, heated bodies moving to a pulsing rhythm as they swayed and sometimes ground against each other. He fielded some very graphic offers, not yet finding anyone that really grabbed his attention. Until Carl.
Carl slid between him and his current partner, taking control of the dance. Rick found himself staring into a pair of mesmerizing brown eyes as, big, masculine hands closed on his hips and pulled him close to a thick throbbing bulge. His own cock responded. Without a word Carl took his hand and led him to a part of the club he'd yet to see.
In the back of the club, several dimly lit rooms, joined by open arched doorways, held club patrons who had things other than dancing or drinking on their minds. Rick saw everything from hand jobs to full out orgies taking place. No one seemed to mind the possibility that they could be watched. Most of the couples or groups concentrated on only that which they were part of.
Carl pulled Rick into a deserted corner and pushed him against the wall. Rick groaned as Carl worked open the buttons on his 501's. Carl slid to his knees and without hesitation took Rick's thick, swollen cock into his mouth, sucking and laving as each inch disappeared between his full, wet lips. Rick swore and grasped Carl's head, his hands encouraging each bob of Carl's mouth over his throbbing length. He was in a different world, no woman had ever made him feel close to what he was feeling now.
He protested when Carl pulled away, leaving his cock, wet, exposed and aching for relief. Carl turned to face the wall, opening his own jeans and lowering them. He looked over his shoulder at Rick.
"What are you waiting for, stud, fuck me."
Rick was non-plussed for the moment. Even as the sight of that tight, muscular ass made him want to dive right in, he felt he owed Carl the truth.
"Look, man, I've never done this before." his face flamed as the words left his mouth. He was grateful that the light was so dim.
"You ever been with a woman?" Carl asked.
Rick nodded.
"Same principal, just a different hole. I want your cock up my ass. You gotta a condom?"
Rick again nodded, pulling the condom from his back pocket. Carl turned around and took it from him, giving Rick the chance to study his endowments. Carl wasn't quite as long, as Rick but what he had was very nice, very full and very hard. Rick reached out and grasped Carl's cock, just as Carl grabbed his. Rick pumped Carl slowly, causing him to throw back his head and moan.
After a moment Carl stepped back, "Man, you better stop before I blow." He moved forward again and rolled the condom down Rick's cock then turned again to
face the wall. "Use some spit and a couple of fingers to open me up. It won't take much, I'm no cherry."
Rick obeyed and soon had Carl moaning as he scissored two fingers, then three into his hot, tight, pucker.
"Now, fuck me, man, now."
Taking himself in hand, Rick guided his cock to the tiny hole that was now open and ready for him. He smeared his condom covered dick with saliva and made contact, pushing forward until he penetrated the tight anal ring and slid slowly inside a tight, velvet-lined furnace. With his hands at Carl's hips he began a slow, shallow, rhythmic thrusting that gradually increased in pace and depth. Sweat broke out on both men and began to slide down their bodies in lazy rivulets. Spicy musk inundated their nostrils, as body odor mingled with the primal scent of sex.
Carl was grunting, pushing back into each thrust, chanting, "Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah."
Rick labored in a fog of pleasure, gasping for each breath. His hips pounded against Carl, his one objective to bury his cock, again and again, in the volcanic heat that gripped him, until finally, he erupted. His rushing fluids filled the condom as he ground deep into Carl's chute, instinct pushing him to bury his seed deep, despite the fact that it was trapped in latex, and there was no fertile field awaiting it.
Dimly, Rick was aware of Carl's guttural cry as he unloaded against the wall, his hot spunk sliding down to puddle on the floor. Rick disengaged and removed the condom, dropping it into the puddle.
Both men adjusted their clothes. Carl grinned at Rick, "For an amateur, you're a hell of a top. You coming back any time soon?"
Rick returned the grin, "I'll probably be around."
Carl nodded, "Any time, stud, any time."
They made their way back to the front of the club. Rick stopped in the bathroom to use the facilities and wash up. Once back out on the floor, he quickly tired and decided to call it a night. One hell of a night. The first of many that led him to his current dilemma.
Although he'd known for years he was bi, he was just now admitting to himself that he preferred men. So where did that leave him with his family? How was he going to break the news to his parents not to expect any grandchildren from him? Rick wasn't at all sure he could face up to it. He had one more problem as well. Those nameless fucks in the city were getting old. He did want to settle down, if only he could find the right guy. A fleeting image sparked in his consciousness. The guy on the porch, the new neighbor, old Mrs. Vaden's grandson.
As he'd passed by, he'd gotten the fleeting impression of dark reddish brown hair and a lean, athletic body dressed in faded jeans and a deep green tee shirt. Only a glimpse really, and yet apparently his sub-conscious liked what it saw. Rick glanced over at the house as he made another round in the field. He could see a pile of boxes on the front porch, but the owner was apparently inside. Curiosity niggled, and he resolved to find the time to check out the new neighbor.
* * *
"This is pitiful." Dale muttered.
He was outside, at the back of the property, scrutinizing a small grove of poplar trees. Most were dead, others only partially alive, and half a dozen had been blown down or had just plain fallen over, weakened by rot. The grove wasn't very large, twenty five, thirty trees at most. He was resolved to see it pulled down. Dale had visions of oak or maple trees replacing the poplars. He liked the idea of planting trees that would stand long after he was gone.
After spending the last few days clearing everything from the house except the few pieces of furniture and other things he'd decided to keep, Dale decided to amble around the property and take a few mental notes about what he wanted to see accomplished outside. The poplar grove became his number one objective.
As he walked around, he was aware of the fact that the farmer was again in the field that
surrounded his acreage. He stood contemplating the ravaged trees until the increasing noise from an approaching tractor pulled him from his reverie. From his shaded vantage, he could clearly see the man riding the tractor. As before, he was dressed in a tee shirt, jeans, work boots and baseball cap. His hands were covered by leather gloves, his eyes shaded by the dark lenses of his sun glasses.
He drove the tractor to the edge of the field, shutting it off. Blessed silence returned. Dale
watched as the farmer dismounted the tractor with easy grace, the well defined muscles of his thighs bunching with the effort. Just as he remembered from several days ago, the man was broad-shouldered, muscular, his upper body shown to a distinct advantage by the clinging fabric of his tee. His arms were solid, with a light covering of soft hair that shone golden under the sun. He removed his gloves, slapping them down on the seat of the tractor and approached.
Dale's stomach clenched. The man walked with a grace and confidence that sent a shiver down his spine. This was a man filled with self assurance, a man in charge of himself, a man who could easily take control of any situation. It was there, plainly stated, written in the very air between them. Dale felt his breath ratchet a notch higher. He silently admonished himself to stop being ridiculous. This farmer was after all, just a man, a man just like any other man.
That thought came to a screeching halt when the man removed his sunglasses.
Dale found himself pinned by a gaze of laser-like intensity that left him breathless. He stared into the most vividly beautiful, blue-green eyes he'd ever seen. They were shaded by perfect fans of honey colored lashes. The corners of his eyes showed light laugh lines. Dale was caught and held, momentarily paralyzed, frozen until the man held out his hand.
"Hi, I'm Rick Hunter. You must be Mrs. Vaden's grandson. We were sure sorry to hear about her passing. She was a sweet lady."
Dale broke from his paralysis, taking Rick's hand in a firm grip. He was grateful now that he'd kept using those hand strengtheners. Rick's grip was strong, the muscles and sinews in his hand powerful, uncompromising, and yet surprisingly gentle. He was a man well aware of his strength and apparently careful to not cause unintentional hurt.
The warmth of Rick's hand swept over Dale. To his everlasting embarrassment he felt himself blush, a fact that had him silently cursing. He hadn't blushed since he was an adolescent, not even Tony had had this effect on him.
Dale nervously cleared his throat, "Hi," he managed, "and thanks. Grams was a sweetheart, she'll be missed. I'm Dale, by the way, Dale Vaden."
Rick nodded, "Pleased to meet you Dale. While I was in the neighborhood, so to speak, thought I'd stop and introduce myself, see if there's anything you need."
A smile graced Dale face. A smile that, unbeknownst to him, took a certain farmers breath away. "Thanks, Rick, you know, I could use the name of someone who could help me clear out these trees. Would you happen to know of anyone off hand?"
Rick gave the trees a considering look, "I could help you. Dad's got a backhoe at his place, just down the road. We could knock these down and pull them out in no time. When do you want to start?"
Taken aback by Rick generous offer, Dale was momentarily speechless, then rallied, “That's really nice of you to offer, but I'm sure you've already got plenty to keep you busy." He indicated the field behind them.
"Actually, I'm pretty much done."
"I admit I don't know squat about farming, but don't you have to plow the fields and all that?" Dale asked.
Rick grinned, "You're right, city boy, you don't know farming. We use the no-till method. No plowing. We spray fertilizer and weed control. Plant the seed and it's done. It's the harvest where all the work is now. These fields are done. Between me, my dad, and my brother, we get this part of the chore done pretty quick. So how about it? I've got the time, when do you want to start?"
Dale gave in gratefully, "Tomorrow?"
"You got it, I'll be here about seven. Does that suit you? Or is that too early for a city boy?" Rick teased.
"I think I can handle that, farm boy. I'll see you at seven." Dale retorted with a grin.
Rick returned the grin, slid his sunglasses back on and headed for the tractor. Dale couldn't help watching the movement of the nicely curved cheeks that filled out the seat of Rick's jeans. He surreptitiously adjusted himself. The man was every bit as devastating walking away.
With a couple of well placed and practiced steps, Rick swung himself back up on the tractor. He pulled on his gloves and started the beast up. With a wave, he headed off across the field, Dale's gaze following. An errant breeze sent a lock of hair fluttering across his forehead. As he reached up to push it away, he noticed the smell.
Leather and sweat. Rick's gloves and Rick's sweat. Dale inhaled deeply, his cock responding instantly, filling, elongating, demanding to be set free of its imprisoning and too tight confinement. Dale looked around. The nearest neighbor was the Hunters, a quarter mile down the road, and his place was surrounded by open fields. Even in this ravaged grove, he was semi- sheltered. The more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea. He'd never masturbated outside. This was too good an opportunity to be missed, especially with Rick's scent urging him on.
Dale unbuttoned his 501's, pushing them and his briefs down just enough to free himself. His cock sprang free, fiercely rigid and ready. The tip was already leaking. He leaned back against a tree and closed his eyes. Taking another deep lung-full of Rick's scent, he wrapped his aromatic fingers around the thick column of meat that demanded release.
Dale gave a grunt and tensed as he began the familiar movements. His fingers squeezed and
stroked. He reached down with his left hand, holding the thick column steady as his palm swept over the wet, purple hued head, spreading precum. A groan inched its way out of
his throat. He brought his right hand back to his face for another whiff of Rick. The scent was now mingled with his own. His tongue flicked out, sliding over his palm, tasting the tart, tangy flavors of precum, sweat and leather. The combination was potent. He anointed his palm with saliva, took hold of his cock and began to steadily jack himself. The pleasure built with each stroke, quickly reaching the point of no return.
"Fuck," he gasped as his load blew.
Repeated spurts of thick, white cum arced out and away from his straining body, draping over the grass and sliding down the stems to feed the earth below. Dale's knees gave out. He dropped down, head bent as he rested for a moment. As his breath and heartbeat slowly restored themselves, he opened his eyes and looked around. All was quiet. He
grinned and shook his head as he laughed weakly.
Jeez, I gotta get out more, he confessed to himself as he slowly rose. Dale tucked himself in, ambling back to the house. He found himself looking eagerly forward to tomorrow and as for now? His goal was the pitcher of iced tea that resided in his refrigerator.
Chapter One
Dale Vaden stepped out the front door, onto the porch. The overhanging roof shaded him from the gentle rays of the afternoon sun. It was a beautiful, spring day. The temperatures had been hovering in the mid-sixties for the past week. He stretched his back, groaning as his spine popped and realigned. Clearing a house of some sixty years accumulation of living was not easy.
He walked down the three concrete steps at the place where porch and house joined. Stepping to the left, he seated himself on the edge of the porch. He tilted his face to the sun, reveling in the soft heat and light that bathed his skin, while turning the sightless vision behind his closed lids, a rich, radiant red. A lazy breeze touched him now and then. It sent a shiver through him, reminding him of a lovers caress, a lover who was gone after four years. Four years in which Dale had surrendered his heart and believed he'd found his life's partner. How could he have known that Tony didn't feel the same?
Dale's eyes opened as thoughts of Tony flooded his mind, "Ah shit." he whispered.
He stared across the rolling, stubbled fields that surrounded his three acres of land, in the midst of Illinois farm country. Tony was exactly what he didn't want to think about. Tony, with his tall, dark, Italian good looks, his glossy black hair, tremendously sexy, brown eyes, and his larger than life presence. It was infectious, the way he drew every eye in the room with his open, easy attitude and that booming laugh that invited everyone to join in his amusement.
Head shaking, Dale attempted to deny the wrenching sense of loss and the dark abyss that
threatened to open at his feet when thoughts of Tony crept in. Thoughts of Tony and David. Even after two years in which he'd come to realize that Tony really wasn't the man Dale had thought him to be, it still hurt. Especially considering that David, his own brother, was instrumental in the breakup that tore the heart from him, leaving Dale feeling not only empty and alone but more lost than he’d ever felt in his life.
He rubbed a hand across his face, sighing in resignation. A frown crinkled his brow as he
admonished himself. It did no good to dwell on the past, at least as far as he and Tony were concerned. He needed to keep reminding himself that this was for the best, that Tony had never truly made him happy. Tony was too much, ‘out there.' He was always busy running around, socializing, frittering away his time and money. Sure, he made a good living and worked hard, but he spent it almost as fast as he earned it. His attitude sometimes made Dale nervous.
Responsible, staid Dale, who liked to spend the occasional weekend at home instead of running all over creation. Who liked knowing there was a nest egg in the bank, who paid his bills on time and made his deadlines with unerring accuracy.
It was his and Tony's biggest bone of contention. When he was denied his way, Tony pouted with all the aplomb of a four year old. His idea of fun was spending the weekends in endless rounds of shopping at malls, and bar hopping. Dale had generally given in and gone along, until he began to feel resentful and put upon. The years of separation had shown him clearly that their relationship had been headed for trouble. Something that he'd been unable to admit while blinded by his love and need for Tony's companionship. It was sometimes hard to admit that he’d been blinded by the picture he'd built in his mind, instead of seeing the reality of the situation.
Everything considered, Dale knew, if he was honest with himself, his biggest loss was his
relationship with his brother. It had been such a shock when David and Tony had come to him, announcing that they wanted to be together. Dale had had a feeling that Tony was drifting away, it just never occurred to him that the someone he was drifting towards, was David. It was a double betrayal, one that had rocked him to his very foundations.
He missed his brother. That was why he struggled so hard to be honest with himself, to lay to rest the demons that tormented him. David had made several attempts to reconcile, but Dale had not been ready to accept his overtures. The pain was too fresh and too raw. His thoughts had been disorganized and jumbled. The ability to think clearly, without the emotional baggage clouding his thought processes, had been impossible. And so he held on to his hurt, nursing it, until the fog had lifted and he began to see all the components involved in the breakup. He began to see that Tony and David had not wanted to hurt him. His brother wasn't a heartless betrayer, he was a man in love.
A wry smile tilted his lips. Now David contended with the never ending running and Tony's spend-thrift ways. And yet, from what he heard from mutual friends, David was successfully taming Tony's wild side. Dale wasn't surprised. David had a way about him, a stubborn core of strength, that when he brought it to bear on a person, he usually managed to bend the unsuspecting victim to his way of thinking. It was a quality Dale lacked, one he admired and had been the target of many times as they grew up.
A full fledged smile lit his face as he thought of David. Dale realized, barring any reservations David might have, and he seemed to have none, that he was nearing the point of being ready to resume a relationship with his brother. A phone call first, he decided. He wasn't quite ready to see the reality of David and Tony together in domestic bliss, but a phone call would be a good start.
That resolved, Dale felt the tension that pulled at his shoulders, ease. Now all I need is a truck to haul all this stuff to Goodwill, a dumpster for the rest and a good man to give me a massage when I get all this hauling done, he thought to himself.
The dull drone of a tractor broke his train of thought. As though on cue, it came into view on the road in front of the house. Seated behind the wheel was a broad-shouldered man in dusty jeans, tee shirt, and work boots. He wore sunglasses, and had a baseball cap perched on his head. Dale couldn't make out his features or his age very well, though from his general build and posture, he seemed young. As he watched, the man turned his head, spotting Dale on the porch. The farmer lifted an arm and waved a friendly greeting, which Dale returned. He continued to the far edge of the field which was bordered by a hedge row. He turned the tractor in and began making rounds. The tractor hauled some kind of tank set up, which Dale assumed contained fertilizer or weed control of some kind.
He watched the farmer make a few rounds, then sighed and rose, determined to continue until the house was cleared. His grandmother had accumulated a lot of things over the years. A few things of value, like the oak library table, barrister bookcases and the two amazingly comfortable, heavy oak arm chairs with deep padded seats that resided in her bedroom. She also had an extensive set of Franciscan Ware dishes in a poppy pattern, that was displayed in a beautiful mahogany china cupboard. They were actually quite cheery looking with their raised yellow flowers and green leaves, Dale liked them. But for the most part, it was the ordinary assemblage of things one picks up as one goes through life.
Their grandmother had left the house equally to Dale and David. Dale had been seized by the notion of making a change and decided to move, hoping the distance between himself, Tony and David would help. True it was only a few hundred miles, but Dale had found himself relaxing after the move. He'd been unaware of the tension his body was undergoing at thoughts of meeting Tony or David in the public places the three of them frequented. Even simple things like grocery shopping had left him with a headache.
He'd had their lawyer contact his brother about buying his half of the property, to which David had been more than agreeable. David had never been fond of vegetating in the country, perhaps another reason that he and Tony got on so well.
Dale had gratefully cleared his condo of anything unwanted, packed what he needed, arranged to have the rest of it shipped and got out of Dodge. As a writer, he was able to locate anywhere he pleased. Suddenly he was aware of the fact that he was very pleased indeed. He loved the house. The grounds and gardens needed help and he had lots to keep him busy. He began to whistle a little off-key ditty as he returned to boxing up and clearing out the contents of the house.
* * *
Rick Hunter made yet another round on the tractor. The job was rote, one he'd done so many times over the years it was automatic. He'd learned farming from his father and his grandfather, it was something that ran in the Hunter men's veins, mingling with their blood. Normally, he could disconnect from everything, concentrate on the job, leaving his thoughts, however troubling, behind. Not today. Today, they insisted on jabbing at him with pitchfork-like tongs that had his head throbbing.
Rick was 27. It was time and past for him to be married and having a family, or so his parents told him. Like they didn't have enough grandchildren already. Seven, to be precise, three from his brother, Paul, and his wife, three from his sister, Sharon, and her husband, and one from his other sister, Karen, and her husband. You'd think they'd be satisfied with that, but no. Just this morning he'd gotten a call from his mom, hinting around about that nice girl, Vicky Williams, who attended their church.
Rick knew Vicky. Vicky liked to hang out at Smiley's, on the weekends with her friends. Once in a while she picked up a guy and took him home. Rick had been one of those guys. Vicky was a nice girl, and a decent lay, but Rick wasn't looking to marry her. Rick wasn't looking to marry any woman. Which was exactly the problem.
Over the years, he'd had more than his share of women. At 6'2", with rich, dark, honey-blonde hair, blue-green eyes and features of face and body that a modeling agency would drool over, Rick garnered more than a few looks. Looks that came not only from women, but from men as well. Rick was having a harder and harder time not returning those looks. Not the ones from the women, but those from the men.
From the time he was an adolescent, he'd been aware of an attraction for both sexes. It became more than apparent however, that the majority of the population wasn't particularly sympathetic to same sex couples. With that in mind, Rick had limited himself to dating women only, until he turned 20.
He'd gone into Springfield, with some friends for a night of bars and strip joints. While
searching for an elusive club, they'd gotten lost. Rick stopped at a pay phone that luckily had a phone book, he planned to call the club and ask for directions. Paging through the book, he came across a flyer that had been stuck between the pages. Stud's, it advertised, a club that featured an all male revue, a club for men only. Rick had carefully folded the flyer and stuck it in his pocket. He’d made the call, he and his friends found the club they'd been searching for, and spent the rest of the evening ogling mostly naked women, while sucking down beer after beer.
Rick had been distracted. As the designated driver he had to stay sober, and though he enjoyed watching the women, thoughts of an all male revue kept creeping into his consciousness. What would it be like to watch some sexy stud dance and strip down until he was wearing next to nothing or nothing at all? The thought had Rick hard as a rock. Fortunately, under the circumstances, such was to be expected. He didn't have to make excuses for sprouting a hardon, when every other man in the room was in a similar condition. On his return home, Rick had beat off to thoughts of male strippers gyrating their hot bodies for his pleasure.
In the days that followed, thoughts of spending an evening at Stud's, became an obsession. Three weeks later he made the trip into Springfield, found the club and walked into testosterone heaven. It was better than he'd imagined. Wall to wall men, not a woman in sight. And the smell. Heated male flesh, musky and distinctive, not a flowery scent in the crowd. Rick felt his cock firming up from the smell alone.
He made his way to the bar and ordered a beer, turning to watch the couples on the dance floor. Trying not to let his inexperience show, he ran the gamut of emotions from amazement to jealousy that he wasn't on the floor dancing. Something that was soon remedied.
From the time he'd walked in the door he'd been under scrutiny. It wasn't long before he was approached and asked to dance. Feeling awkward but determined Rick accepted, and soon found himself with partner after partner. He enjoyed the dancing, heated bodies moving to a pulsing rhythm as they swayed and sometimes ground against each other. He fielded some very graphic offers, not yet finding anyone that really grabbed his attention. Until Carl.
Carl slid between him and his current partner, taking control of the dance. Rick found himself staring into a pair of mesmerizing brown eyes as, big, masculine hands closed on his hips and pulled him close to a thick throbbing bulge. His own cock responded. Without a word Carl took his hand and led him to a part of the club he'd yet to see.
In the back of the club, several dimly lit rooms, joined by open arched doorways, held club patrons who had things other than dancing or drinking on their minds. Rick saw everything from hand jobs to full out orgies taking place. No one seemed to mind the possibility that they could be watched. Most of the couples or groups concentrated on only that which they were part of.
Carl pulled Rick into a deserted corner and pushed him against the wall. Rick groaned as Carl worked open the buttons on his 501's. Carl slid to his knees and without hesitation took Rick's thick, swollen cock into his mouth, sucking and laving as each inch disappeared between his full, wet lips. Rick swore and grasped Carl's head, his hands encouraging each bob of Carl's mouth over his throbbing length. He was in a different world, no woman had ever made him feel close to what he was feeling now.
He protested when Carl pulled away, leaving his cock, wet, exposed and aching for relief. Carl turned to face the wall, opening his own jeans and lowering them. He looked over his shoulder at Rick.
"What are you waiting for, stud, fuck me."
Rick was non-plussed for the moment. Even as the sight of that tight, muscular ass made him want to dive right in, he felt he owed Carl the truth.
"Look, man, I've never done this before." his face flamed as the words left his mouth. He was grateful that the light was so dim.
"You ever been with a woman?" Carl asked.
Rick nodded.
"Same principal, just a different hole. I want your cock up my ass. You gotta a condom?"
Rick again nodded, pulling the condom from his back pocket. Carl turned around and took it from him, giving Rick the chance to study his endowments. Carl wasn't quite as long, as Rick but what he had was very nice, very full and very hard. Rick reached out and grasped Carl's cock, just as Carl grabbed his. Rick pumped Carl slowly, causing him to throw back his head and moan.
After a moment Carl stepped back, "Man, you better stop before I blow." He moved forward again and rolled the condom down Rick's cock then turned again to
face the wall. "Use some spit and a couple of fingers to open me up. It won't take much, I'm no cherry."
Rick obeyed and soon had Carl moaning as he scissored two fingers, then three into his hot, tight, pucker.
"Now, fuck me, man, now."
Taking himself in hand, Rick guided his cock to the tiny hole that was now open and ready for him. He smeared his condom covered dick with saliva and made contact, pushing forward until he penetrated the tight anal ring and slid slowly inside a tight, velvet-lined furnace. With his hands at Carl's hips he began a slow, shallow, rhythmic thrusting that gradually increased in pace and depth. Sweat broke out on both men and began to slide down their bodies in lazy rivulets. Spicy musk inundated their nostrils, as body odor mingled with the primal scent of sex.
Carl was grunting, pushing back into each thrust, chanting, "Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah."
Rick labored in a fog of pleasure, gasping for each breath. His hips pounded against Carl, his one objective to bury his cock, again and again, in the volcanic heat that gripped him, until finally, he erupted. His rushing fluids filled the condom as he ground deep into Carl's chute, instinct pushing him to bury his seed deep, despite the fact that it was trapped in latex, and there was no fertile field awaiting it.
Dimly, Rick was aware of Carl's guttural cry as he unloaded against the wall, his hot spunk sliding down to puddle on the floor. Rick disengaged and removed the condom, dropping it into the puddle.
Both men adjusted their clothes. Carl grinned at Rick, "For an amateur, you're a hell of a top. You coming back any time soon?"
Rick returned the grin, "I'll probably be around."
Carl nodded, "Any time, stud, any time."
They made their way back to the front of the club. Rick stopped in the bathroom to use the facilities and wash up. Once back out on the floor, he quickly tired and decided to call it a night. One hell of a night. The first of many that led him to his current dilemma.
Although he'd known for years he was bi, he was just now admitting to himself that he preferred men. So where did that leave him with his family? How was he going to break the news to his parents not to expect any grandchildren from him? Rick wasn't at all sure he could face up to it. He had one more problem as well. Those nameless fucks in the city were getting old. He did want to settle down, if only he could find the right guy. A fleeting image sparked in his consciousness. The guy on the porch, the new neighbor, old Mrs. Vaden's grandson.
As he'd passed by, he'd gotten the fleeting impression of dark reddish brown hair and a lean, athletic body dressed in faded jeans and a deep green tee shirt. Only a glimpse really, and yet apparently his sub-conscious liked what it saw. Rick glanced over at the house as he made another round in the field. He could see a pile of boxes on the front porch, but the owner was apparently inside. Curiosity niggled, and he resolved to find the time to check out the new neighbor.
* * *
"This is pitiful." Dale muttered.
He was outside, at the back of the property, scrutinizing a small grove of poplar trees. Most were dead, others only partially alive, and half a dozen had been blown down or had just plain fallen over, weakened by rot. The grove wasn't very large, twenty five, thirty trees at most. He was resolved to see it pulled down. Dale had visions of oak or maple trees replacing the poplars. He liked the idea of planting trees that would stand long after he was gone.
After spending the last few days clearing everything from the house except the few pieces of furniture and other things he'd decided to keep, Dale decided to amble around the property and take a few mental notes about what he wanted to see accomplished outside. The poplar grove became his number one objective.
As he walked around, he was aware of the fact that the farmer was again in the field that
surrounded his acreage. He stood contemplating the ravaged trees until the increasing noise from an approaching tractor pulled him from his reverie. From his shaded vantage, he could clearly see the man riding the tractor. As before, he was dressed in a tee shirt, jeans, work boots and baseball cap. His hands were covered by leather gloves, his eyes shaded by the dark lenses of his sun glasses.
He drove the tractor to the edge of the field, shutting it off. Blessed silence returned. Dale
watched as the farmer dismounted the tractor with easy grace, the well defined muscles of his thighs bunching with the effort. Just as he remembered from several days ago, the man was broad-shouldered, muscular, his upper body shown to a distinct advantage by the clinging fabric of his tee. His arms were solid, with a light covering of soft hair that shone golden under the sun. He removed his gloves, slapping them down on the seat of the tractor and approached.
Dale's stomach clenched. The man walked with a grace and confidence that sent a shiver down his spine. This was a man filled with self assurance, a man in charge of himself, a man who could easily take control of any situation. It was there, plainly stated, written in the very air between them. Dale felt his breath ratchet a notch higher. He silently admonished himself to stop being ridiculous. This farmer was after all, just a man, a man just like any other man.
That thought came to a screeching halt when the man removed his sunglasses.
Dale found himself pinned by a gaze of laser-like intensity that left him breathless. He stared into the most vividly beautiful, blue-green eyes he'd ever seen. They were shaded by perfect fans of honey colored lashes. The corners of his eyes showed light laugh lines. Dale was caught and held, momentarily paralyzed, frozen until the man held out his hand.
"Hi, I'm Rick Hunter. You must be Mrs. Vaden's grandson. We were sure sorry to hear about her passing. She was a sweet lady."
Dale broke from his paralysis, taking Rick's hand in a firm grip. He was grateful now that he'd kept using those hand strengtheners. Rick's grip was strong, the muscles and sinews in his hand powerful, uncompromising, and yet surprisingly gentle. He was a man well aware of his strength and apparently careful to not cause unintentional hurt.
The warmth of Rick's hand swept over Dale. To his everlasting embarrassment he felt himself blush, a fact that had him silently cursing. He hadn't blushed since he was an adolescent, not even Tony had had this effect on him.
Dale nervously cleared his throat, "Hi," he managed, "and thanks. Grams was a sweetheart, she'll be missed. I'm Dale, by the way, Dale Vaden."
Rick nodded, "Pleased to meet you Dale. While I was in the neighborhood, so to speak, thought I'd stop and introduce myself, see if there's anything you need."
A smile graced Dale face. A smile that, unbeknownst to him, took a certain farmers breath away. "Thanks, Rick, you know, I could use the name of someone who could help me clear out these trees. Would you happen to know of anyone off hand?"
Rick gave the trees a considering look, "I could help you. Dad's got a backhoe at his place, just down the road. We could knock these down and pull them out in no time. When do you want to start?"
Taken aback by Rick generous offer, Dale was momentarily speechless, then rallied, “That's really nice of you to offer, but I'm sure you've already got plenty to keep you busy." He indicated the field behind them.
"Actually, I'm pretty much done."
"I admit I don't know squat about farming, but don't you have to plow the fields and all that?" Dale asked.
Rick grinned, "You're right, city boy, you don't know farming. We use the no-till method. No plowing. We spray fertilizer and weed control. Plant the seed and it's done. It's the harvest where all the work is now. These fields are done. Between me, my dad, and my brother, we get this part of the chore done pretty quick. So how about it? I've got the time, when do you want to start?"
Dale gave in gratefully, "Tomorrow?"
"You got it, I'll be here about seven. Does that suit you? Or is that too early for a city boy?" Rick teased.
"I think I can handle that, farm boy. I'll see you at seven." Dale retorted with a grin.
Rick returned the grin, slid his sunglasses back on and headed for the tractor. Dale couldn't help watching the movement of the nicely curved cheeks that filled out the seat of Rick's jeans. He surreptitiously adjusted himself. The man was every bit as devastating walking away.
With a couple of well placed and practiced steps, Rick swung himself back up on the tractor. He pulled on his gloves and started the beast up. With a wave, he headed off across the field, Dale's gaze following. An errant breeze sent a lock of hair fluttering across his forehead. As he reached up to push it away, he noticed the smell.
Leather and sweat. Rick's gloves and Rick's sweat. Dale inhaled deeply, his cock responding instantly, filling, elongating, demanding to be set free of its imprisoning and too tight confinement. Dale looked around. The nearest neighbor was the Hunters, a quarter mile down the road, and his place was surrounded by open fields. Even in this ravaged grove, he was semi- sheltered. The more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea. He'd never masturbated outside. This was too good an opportunity to be missed, especially with Rick's scent urging him on.
Dale unbuttoned his 501's, pushing them and his briefs down just enough to free himself. His cock sprang free, fiercely rigid and ready. The tip was already leaking. He leaned back against a tree and closed his eyes. Taking another deep lung-full of Rick's scent, he wrapped his aromatic fingers around the thick column of meat that demanded release.
Dale gave a grunt and tensed as he began the familiar movements. His fingers squeezed and
stroked. He reached down with his left hand, holding the thick column steady as his palm swept over the wet, purple hued head, spreading precum. A groan inched its way out of
his throat. He brought his right hand back to his face for another whiff of Rick. The scent was now mingled with his own. His tongue flicked out, sliding over his palm, tasting the tart, tangy flavors of precum, sweat and leather. The combination was potent. He anointed his palm with saliva, took hold of his cock and began to steadily jack himself. The pleasure built with each stroke, quickly reaching the point of no return.
"Fuck," he gasped as his load blew.
Repeated spurts of thick, white cum arced out and away from his straining body, draping over the grass and sliding down the stems to feed the earth below. Dale's knees gave out. He dropped down, head bent as he rested for a moment. As his breath and heartbeat slowly restored themselves, he opened his eyes and looked around. All was quiet. He
grinned and shook his head as he laughed weakly.
Jeez, I gotta get out more, he confessed to himself as he slowly rose. Dale tucked himself in, ambling back to the house. He found himself looking eagerly forward to tomorrow and as for now? His goal was the pitcher of iced tea that resided in his refrigerator.
At 11:40 AM,
Elaine said…
That was great. Can't wait for more, hope it's soon.
At 3:26 PM,
EdgesAngel23 said…
That was so awesome!! I can't wait for the next chapter!!
At 1:22 PM,
Loretta said…
Enjoyed reading this very much. Can't wait to read Chp 2.
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