The Farmer and Dale Chapter 7
The Farmer and Dale
Chapter 7
Dale grinned, "Oh yeah, I'd say you were pretty lucky too." Over Steven's shoulder, he could see Rick approaching with their drinks. "Speaking of luck, I'd like you to meet my partner." He indicated Rick who had stopped behind them.
Both men turned. Steven's face filled with astonished disbelief. "Oh my God. Gerald?" He reached out for James' hand. James immediately came to his side. Steven shook his head, pulling himself together. "No, you couldn't possibly be," he murmured.
Dale stepped forward, a confused look on his face. "Steven, James, I'd like you to meet Rick Hunter. Rick, this is Steven Eddington and James Duncan."
Rick handed one of the drinks to Dale, freeing his hand which he offered first to James and then to Steven. "I'm very pleased to meet you both." His gaze turned to Steven. "Did you call me Gerald? That’s my father’s name. I'm told I look just like him."
Surprise and confusion was replaced with comprehension in Steven’s eyes. "Gerald's son, that explains it. My God, you do look just like him. Exactly the way he looked the last time I saw him."
Rick and Dale made eye contact, astonished understanding filling their eyes. "Steven, Steve. You're Steve, the man my dad told us about." Rick's own eyes were filled with disbelief. "I can't believe this!"
"Rick, Dale, could we adjourn to Steven's office? It looks like we have some things to discuss," James suggested.
With nods of agreement, they made their way out of the party and up two floors to Steven's office. James offered drinks, which were declined in favor of discussion.
Steven began, "Your father told you about me?"
Rick nodded, "I ‘came out' to my parents not long ago. I'm bi, something my parents weren't aware of. When I met Dale, well I didn't have any choice. I knew he was the one I'd been waiting for." Sitting beside Dale on a leather sofa, he reached for and held his hand. Dale gave him a smile filled with love.
Rick’s action seemed contagious, Steven echoed Rick’s smile, his own hand reaching for James who was perched on the arm of the chair Steven sat in. He stared at their linked hands and then into James' eyes, a silent message passing between them.
He turned to Rick. "I loved your father. I don't know how much he told you about us, but I loved him. I think he was beginning to feel the same for me but there was someone there before me. Your mother."
Rick nodded, swallowing hard at this gentle confession.
"When your mother discovered us, I had no idea that your dad was engaged to be married. He never told me, never let on." James squeezed Steven's hand, reassurance and love conveyed in that simple act. "Gerald was devastated. I knew then that the only right thing for me to do was to back away. Gerald was so obviously in love with your mother and even though I felt that he was coming to love me... I, well, I."
Steven stopped speaking, emotion closing his throat. James wound an arm around him.
"I understand." Rick spoke, his own voice husky with emotion. "Dad understood too. He told us that you were the most unselfish and giving man he'd ever known and that you told him to follow his heart or that he'd regret it for the rest of his life." Rick captured Steven's gaze. "He said he loved you, that you were a good man and that he hoped you had a good life because no one deserved it more."
Steven nodded with tears in his eyes clearly unable to speak. They waited in silence until he was able to get hold of his emotions. "You've no idea what those words mean to me. At the time it seemed like the end of the world but things worked out for the best. I found this man," he returned James' hug, "I couldn't be happier."
Rick and Dale nodded in understanding, their own love making it clear to them just what Steven and James shared.
"What about your father, Rick, has he been happy?" Steven asked.
"Yeah, I'd say so. I've got a brother and two sisters. Mom and dad have seven grandchildren. But more than that... our home was always filled with laughter and good feelings. We could always feel the love my parents have for each other. It spilled over onto their children and grandchildren."
"That’s wonderful,” Steven said his voice filled with sincerity. "And how did they take the news about you and Dale?"
Rick looked at Dale who nodded. "Mom wasn't real happy about it, to say the least but dad thinks she'll come around. Dad was shocked at first, I never let them see that I had any interested in men." Rick ducked his head sheepishly, a slight blush heating his cheeks.
The other three men chuckled in sympathy at his discomfort. Rick's patented grin made its appearance. "Dad's in our corner now, he says every thing’s going to be all right. I believe him," Rick stated with simple conviction. He gave Dale a shining smile, squeezing his hand.
"Well, I'd say things have worked out well for everyone concerned. What say we return to the party? Our absence is probably causing all kinds of speculation." James rose, Steven with him.
Steven approached Rick. "If you want, you can tell your dad that you saw me and that I'm living that happy life he wished for me. Tell him I'm glad to know that his life has been all he wished it to be. He's a very lucky man. Just as I am." His gaze connected with James'.
"I'll do that," Rick paused. "Oh hell." He wrapped his arms around Steven and gave him a hearty hug. Stepping back he grinned. "I feel like I just met family."
Steven laughed heartily. "You're a good man, Rick. Gerald's a lucky man to have a son like you. Come on men, lets rejoin the party."
With much good will and good feeling they returned to the party.
Dale and Rick were soon separated as they again began to mingle with the crowd. At one point Dale found Rick, noting with a frown that Greg Jamison had again captured Rick's attention and company once again. He sent glances in their direction from time to time, feeling a sense of relief when Greg left the room. His stomach dropped when a few moments later, Rick followed in his wake.
Dale felt a darkness open in his soul as fear and uncertainty poured in. Surely Rick wouldn't...he thought to himself, struggling to make the negative thoughts in his head go away. Still, his experience with Tony made it hard not to feel the insecurity. As he struggled with his feelings, he was unaware of James' scrutiny.
James approached Dale and gently took him aside. "Are you all right?" he asked. Dale shook his head not knowing what to say, how to express his emotional turmoil.
"You know your fears are groundless. Rick loves you. It was so clearly apparent earlier when we spoke. In fact, here he comes now." James nodded in Rick's direction.
Dale turned quickly, relief leaving him mute while tears stung his eyes. He gave James a grateful smile and watched him retreat, turning to greet Rick with an expression that reflected his waning fears but also his growing guilt. How could he have doubted Rick so easily?
Rick took one look and was instantly at his side. "What's wrong, babe? Are you all right?"
Dale again shook his head. "Can we go?" he murmured.
"Of course we can. Come on." Rick gently took Dale's arm and steered him through the crowd, making their excuses, telling anyone who asked that they were tired from their sightseeing and needed to rest.
He caught Steven's eye. Steven nodded his understanding, his look sympathetic yet encouraging. Dale was hurting. Rick didn't know exactly what was going on, but he intended to find out.
The doorman got them a cab, their trip quick and silent. Rick held Dale's hand, his thumb rubbing soothingly over his knuckles. They made their way through the lobby and up the elevator without speaking. On reaching their room Rick swiped the lock with the key card and drew Dale into the room and into his arms.
"Damn, I thought we'd never get here. What's wrong? Tell me," Rick murmured as he rocked Dale.
Dale's arms tightened as he whispered a muffled. "I'm sorry."
"Sorry? Sorry for what?" Rick question, genuinely puzzled.
Dale pulled away. "I doubted you. I saw you leave the room after Greg Jamison and I... I."
Understanding lit Rick's eyes. "You thought I was going to what, get a quick piece of ass in the men’s room or in some deserted office? Greg offered. I turned him down. I did go to the bathroom, but I went there alone." Hurt shadowed Rick's eyes. "I love you Dale, I wouldn't do that to you."
"I know!" Dale wailed. "In my heart I know that but I kept thinking about what happened with Tony and I... I can’t stop the damn doubts. You don’t deserve to be found guilty just because I’m insecure but I can’t help it. I saw you follow Greg out and the floor dropped out from under my feet." He reached out for Rick. "I'm so sorry. I don’t know what else to say."
Rick let his hard gaze rest on Dale for a moment, then he softened. "Come here," he commanded, pulling Dale into his arms.
Dale shuddered with relief. Burrowing into Rick's arms, he pressed himself tightly against Rick.
Rick tightened his hold. "I understand, I really do. I know you were hurt and I didn't help matters by what I did to you when I walked away." His hands rubbed Dale's back with long soothing strokes. "But you've got to learn to trust me again. Trust me when I say I love you, and that I'll never leave you."
Dale sighed. "I'm trying. You help me by showing me everyday how much you love me."
Rick nodded and pulled back. "Good. Because... I'm about to trust you with something. Something I've wanted, but never trusted anyone with. Until you."
Dale frowned and cocked his head, "What is it?"
Suddenly nervous, Rick took a deep breath, "I want you to make love to me."
Astonished comprehension lit Dale's eyes. "You mean you want..?"
"Yeah, I want you inside me," Rick admitted. "I've always been a top. I never felt the need to be fucked. Whenever I thought about it, there was never anyone I wanted to be with in that way. Until you. I want you to truly make me yours. I don't want us to be stuck in some role that we play. You're not my wife, you're my partner, my lover, in every sense of the word. We're equals."
Dale nodded, a warm and loving smile gracing his face.
Rick frowned and bit his lip. "Um, you have done this before, haven't you?" he asked uncertainly.
Dale laughed. "Yeah, I've done it before." He approached Rick and circled round him. "I've had some thoughts about this beauty." His hands ran over Rick's taut ass. "You just never seemed interested in changing the status quo and I really didn't have any complaints." He continued his circle, coming round to face Rick. "Don't worry, babe, I can handle it,” Dale said with sure confidence.
Dale left Rick standing in the middle of the room and picked up the phone. He spoke with the front desk, asking to be connected with the airport. Once connected, he made arrangements for the quickest flight out. Finished, he turned to find a frowning Rick.
"What are you doing? I thought you were going to do me."
Dale went to Rick and took him in his arms, kissing him with sultry, heated, passion until Rick moaned. Dale pulled back. "You think I'm doing something this important in a hotel room? Not on you're life, babe. We're going home. I'm going to pluck your cherry in our bed." Dale chuckled at Rick's sudden blush and smacked his ass. "Now get packed, our plane leaves in two hours."
In the dimly lit passenger cabin, Rick fidgeted in his seat. It seemed to him that the flight home was taking forever.
"Settle down. It won't be long now," Dale reprimanded lightly.
Rick sighed. "I know, it's just that, hell. You’re too much of a romantic. We should have just done it at the hotel. I wouldn’t have minded, you know."
"I know. But I would have minded. Besides you’re just antsy know cause you're horny," Dale teased with smile. He laid his hand on Rick's thigh and slid it slowly inward and upward.
"Jeez, Dale!" Rick tensed under his hand, sitting rigidly upright. "If you don't stop that I'm going to.... ohhh damn," he groaned softly. Rick's eyes closed, his breaths shortening as Dale lightly, but firmly massaged his rapidly filling cock. "Oh fuck, oh yeah," he whispered. Rick strove to keep still, but his buttocks tightened, his hips pushing up, grinding his erection into the welcome friction Dale provided.
"Easy," Dale whispered. "Not yet, lover, not yet." He withdrew his hand.
Rick ground his teeth together, his jaw flexing. Opening his eyes he gave Dale what he hoped was a scorching glare. "You better cut it out. I'm warning you now, if you get me any more riled up we'll be joining the mile high club. And I won't be filling out the application in the bathroom."
Dale grinned and chuckled. "Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. The thought of your sweet, tight, virgin little ass is driving me nuts."
Rick flushed, and looked around. Thankfully the seats in first class weren't squashed together. "Would you shut up!" he whispered urgently. This new aspect of Dale's behavior, this sudden dominance was causing some very new feelings for Rick to deal with. He felt off balance, almost jittery.
"Nobody can hear us." Dale drew his fingertips over Rick's cheek. "I like the way you blush. It's sweet, angel."
"Damn." Rick cursed softly, shaking his head, "You'd think I'd never had sex before."
"Well, in a way you haven't," Dale told him. "Not like this." He took Rick's hand, lifting it to his lips while lightly kissing then stroking his tongue over the knuckles. "Don't worry, baby. Daddy's gonna take care of everything."
Rick squeezed his eyes shut as another blush heated his face. A hot tingle twisted his gut with anticipation and uncertainty. "Well, shit." he sighed. "You're making me crazy."
"That's the idea." Dale flashed him a soft, knowingly smug smile.
Rick, giving Dale a frowning half smile half grimace, pouted silently.
Chapter 7
Dale grinned, "Oh yeah, I'd say you were pretty lucky too." Over Steven's shoulder, he could see Rick approaching with their drinks. "Speaking of luck, I'd like you to meet my partner." He indicated Rick who had stopped behind them.
Both men turned. Steven's face filled with astonished disbelief. "Oh my God. Gerald?" He reached out for James' hand. James immediately came to his side. Steven shook his head, pulling himself together. "No, you couldn't possibly be," he murmured.
Dale stepped forward, a confused look on his face. "Steven, James, I'd like you to meet Rick Hunter. Rick, this is Steven Eddington and James Duncan."
Rick handed one of the drinks to Dale, freeing his hand which he offered first to James and then to Steven. "I'm very pleased to meet you both." His gaze turned to Steven. "Did you call me Gerald? That’s my father’s name. I'm told I look just like him."
Surprise and confusion was replaced with comprehension in Steven’s eyes. "Gerald's son, that explains it. My God, you do look just like him. Exactly the way he looked the last time I saw him."
Rick and Dale made eye contact, astonished understanding filling their eyes. "Steven, Steve. You're Steve, the man my dad told us about." Rick's own eyes were filled with disbelief. "I can't believe this!"
"Rick, Dale, could we adjourn to Steven's office? It looks like we have some things to discuss," James suggested.
With nods of agreement, they made their way out of the party and up two floors to Steven's office. James offered drinks, which were declined in favor of discussion.
Steven began, "Your father told you about me?"
Rick nodded, "I ‘came out' to my parents not long ago. I'm bi, something my parents weren't aware of. When I met Dale, well I didn't have any choice. I knew he was the one I'd been waiting for." Sitting beside Dale on a leather sofa, he reached for and held his hand. Dale gave him a smile filled with love.
Rick’s action seemed contagious, Steven echoed Rick’s smile, his own hand reaching for James who was perched on the arm of the chair Steven sat in. He stared at their linked hands and then into James' eyes, a silent message passing between them.
He turned to Rick. "I loved your father. I don't know how much he told you about us, but I loved him. I think he was beginning to feel the same for me but there was someone there before me. Your mother."
Rick nodded, swallowing hard at this gentle confession.
"When your mother discovered us, I had no idea that your dad was engaged to be married. He never told me, never let on." James squeezed Steven's hand, reassurance and love conveyed in that simple act. "Gerald was devastated. I knew then that the only right thing for me to do was to back away. Gerald was so obviously in love with your mother and even though I felt that he was coming to love me... I, well, I."
Steven stopped speaking, emotion closing his throat. James wound an arm around him.
"I understand." Rick spoke, his own voice husky with emotion. "Dad understood too. He told us that you were the most unselfish and giving man he'd ever known and that you told him to follow his heart or that he'd regret it for the rest of his life." Rick captured Steven's gaze. "He said he loved you, that you were a good man and that he hoped you had a good life because no one deserved it more."
Steven nodded with tears in his eyes clearly unable to speak. They waited in silence until he was able to get hold of his emotions. "You've no idea what those words mean to me. At the time it seemed like the end of the world but things worked out for the best. I found this man," he returned James' hug, "I couldn't be happier."
Rick and Dale nodded in understanding, their own love making it clear to them just what Steven and James shared.
"What about your father, Rick, has he been happy?" Steven asked.
"Yeah, I'd say so. I've got a brother and two sisters. Mom and dad have seven grandchildren. But more than that... our home was always filled with laughter and good feelings. We could always feel the love my parents have for each other. It spilled over onto their children and grandchildren."
"That’s wonderful,” Steven said his voice filled with sincerity. "And how did they take the news about you and Dale?"
Rick looked at Dale who nodded. "Mom wasn't real happy about it, to say the least but dad thinks she'll come around. Dad was shocked at first, I never let them see that I had any interested in men." Rick ducked his head sheepishly, a slight blush heating his cheeks.
The other three men chuckled in sympathy at his discomfort. Rick's patented grin made its appearance. "Dad's in our corner now, he says every thing’s going to be all right. I believe him," Rick stated with simple conviction. He gave Dale a shining smile, squeezing his hand.
"Well, I'd say things have worked out well for everyone concerned. What say we return to the party? Our absence is probably causing all kinds of speculation." James rose, Steven with him.
Steven approached Rick. "If you want, you can tell your dad that you saw me and that I'm living that happy life he wished for me. Tell him I'm glad to know that his life has been all he wished it to be. He's a very lucky man. Just as I am." His gaze connected with James'.
"I'll do that," Rick paused. "Oh hell." He wrapped his arms around Steven and gave him a hearty hug. Stepping back he grinned. "I feel like I just met family."
Steven laughed heartily. "You're a good man, Rick. Gerald's a lucky man to have a son like you. Come on men, lets rejoin the party."
With much good will and good feeling they returned to the party.
Dale and Rick were soon separated as they again began to mingle with the crowd. At one point Dale found Rick, noting with a frown that Greg Jamison had again captured Rick's attention and company once again. He sent glances in their direction from time to time, feeling a sense of relief when Greg left the room. His stomach dropped when a few moments later, Rick followed in his wake.
Dale felt a darkness open in his soul as fear and uncertainty poured in. Surely Rick wouldn't...he thought to himself, struggling to make the negative thoughts in his head go away. Still, his experience with Tony made it hard not to feel the insecurity. As he struggled with his feelings, he was unaware of James' scrutiny.
James approached Dale and gently took him aside. "Are you all right?" he asked. Dale shook his head not knowing what to say, how to express his emotional turmoil.
"You know your fears are groundless. Rick loves you. It was so clearly apparent earlier when we spoke. In fact, here he comes now." James nodded in Rick's direction.
Dale turned quickly, relief leaving him mute while tears stung his eyes. He gave James a grateful smile and watched him retreat, turning to greet Rick with an expression that reflected his waning fears but also his growing guilt. How could he have doubted Rick so easily?
Rick took one look and was instantly at his side. "What's wrong, babe? Are you all right?"
Dale again shook his head. "Can we go?" he murmured.
"Of course we can. Come on." Rick gently took Dale's arm and steered him through the crowd, making their excuses, telling anyone who asked that they were tired from their sightseeing and needed to rest.
He caught Steven's eye. Steven nodded his understanding, his look sympathetic yet encouraging. Dale was hurting. Rick didn't know exactly what was going on, but he intended to find out.
The doorman got them a cab, their trip quick and silent. Rick held Dale's hand, his thumb rubbing soothingly over his knuckles. They made their way through the lobby and up the elevator without speaking. On reaching their room Rick swiped the lock with the key card and drew Dale into the room and into his arms.
"Damn, I thought we'd never get here. What's wrong? Tell me," Rick murmured as he rocked Dale.
Dale's arms tightened as he whispered a muffled. "I'm sorry."
"Sorry? Sorry for what?" Rick question, genuinely puzzled.
Dale pulled away. "I doubted you. I saw you leave the room after Greg Jamison and I... I."
Understanding lit Rick's eyes. "You thought I was going to what, get a quick piece of ass in the men’s room or in some deserted office? Greg offered. I turned him down. I did go to the bathroom, but I went there alone." Hurt shadowed Rick's eyes. "I love you Dale, I wouldn't do that to you."
"I know!" Dale wailed. "In my heart I know that but I kept thinking about what happened with Tony and I... I can’t stop the damn doubts. You don’t deserve to be found guilty just because I’m insecure but I can’t help it. I saw you follow Greg out and the floor dropped out from under my feet." He reached out for Rick. "I'm so sorry. I don’t know what else to say."
Rick let his hard gaze rest on Dale for a moment, then he softened. "Come here," he commanded, pulling Dale into his arms.
Dale shuddered with relief. Burrowing into Rick's arms, he pressed himself tightly against Rick.
Rick tightened his hold. "I understand, I really do. I know you were hurt and I didn't help matters by what I did to you when I walked away." His hands rubbed Dale's back with long soothing strokes. "But you've got to learn to trust me again. Trust me when I say I love you, and that I'll never leave you."
Dale sighed. "I'm trying. You help me by showing me everyday how much you love me."
Rick nodded and pulled back. "Good. Because... I'm about to trust you with something. Something I've wanted, but never trusted anyone with. Until you."
Dale frowned and cocked his head, "What is it?"
Suddenly nervous, Rick took a deep breath, "I want you to make love to me."
Astonished comprehension lit Dale's eyes. "You mean you want..?"
"Yeah, I want you inside me," Rick admitted. "I've always been a top. I never felt the need to be fucked. Whenever I thought about it, there was never anyone I wanted to be with in that way. Until you. I want you to truly make me yours. I don't want us to be stuck in some role that we play. You're not my wife, you're my partner, my lover, in every sense of the word. We're equals."
Dale nodded, a warm and loving smile gracing his face.
Rick frowned and bit his lip. "Um, you have done this before, haven't you?" he asked uncertainly.
Dale laughed. "Yeah, I've done it before." He approached Rick and circled round him. "I've had some thoughts about this beauty." His hands ran over Rick's taut ass. "You just never seemed interested in changing the status quo and I really didn't have any complaints." He continued his circle, coming round to face Rick. "Don't worry, babe, I can handle it,” Dale said with sure confidence.
Dale left Rick standing in the middle of the room and picked up the phone. He spoke with the front desk, asking to be connected with the airport. Once connected, he made arrangements for the quickest flight out. Finished, he turned to find a frowning Rick.
"What are you doing? I thought you were going to do me."
Dale went to Rick and took him in his arms, kissing him with sultry, heated, passion until Rick moaned. Dale pulled back. "You think I'm doing something this important in a hotel room? Not on you're life, babe. We're going home. I'm going to pluck your cherry in our bed." Dale chuckled at Rick's sudden blush and smacked his ass. "Now get packed, our plane leaves in two hours."
In the dimly lit passenger cabin, Rick fidgeted in his seat. It seemed to him that the flight home was taking forever.
"Settle down. It won't be long now," Dale reprimanded lightly.
Rick sighed. "I know, it's just that, hell. You’re too much of a romantic. We should have just done it at the hotel. I wouldn’t have minded, you know."
"I know. But I would have minded. Besides you’re just antsy know cause you're horny," Dale teased with smile. He laid his hand on Rick's thigh and slid it slowly inward and upward.
"Jeez, Dale!" Rick tensed under his hand, sitting rigidly upright. "If you don't stop that I'm going to.... ohhh damn," he groaned softly. Rick's eyes closed, his breaths shortening as Dale lightly, but firmly massaged his rapidly filling cock. "Oh fuck, oh yeah," he whispered. Rick strove to keep still, but his buttocks tightened, his hips pushing up, grinding his erection into the welcome friction Dale provided.
"Easy," Dale whispered. "Not yet, lover, not yet." He withdrew his hand.
Rick ground his teeth together, his jaw flexing. Opening his eyes he gave Dale what he hoped was a scorching glare. "You better cut it out. I'm warning you now, if you get me any more riled up we'll be joining the mile high club. And I won't be filling out the application in the bathroom."
Dale grinned and chuckled. "Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. The thought of your sweet, tight, virgin little ass is driving me nuts."
Rick flushed, and looked around. Thankfully the seats in first class weren't squashed together. "Would you shut up!" he whispered urgently. This new aspect of Dale's behavior, this sudden dominance was causing some very new feelings for Rick to deal with. He felt off balance, almost jittery.
"Nobody can hear us." Dale drew his fingertips over Rick's cheek. "I like the way you blush. It's sweet, angel."
"Damn." Rick cursed softly, shaking his head, "You'd think I'd never had sex before."
"Well, in a way you haven't," Dale told him. "Not like this." He took Rick's hand, lifting it to his lips while lightly kissing then stroking his tongue over the knuckles. "Don't worry, baby. Daddy's gonna take care of everything."
Rick squeezed his eyes shut as another blush heated his face. A hot tingle twisted his gut with anticipation and uncertainty. "Well, shit." he sighed. "You're making me crazy."
"That's the idea." Dale flashed him a soft, knowingly smug smile.
Rick, giving Dale a frowning half smile half grimace, pouted silently.
At 9:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
Those two are just too cute for words. lol
At 4:40 AM,
Miss Mentzas said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
At 4:41 AM,
Miss Mentzas said…
I am glad they had fun in NY.
At 6:54 AM,
Julie said…
OMG, there's part of this story that make me sad till they get their prob worked out and then the next moment I'll bust out giggling at their conversation! I LOVE IT!!!
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