Hi Everyone! Here's the Christmas story I promised you. Hope you enjoy it!!
“Uh, I believe that’s mine.”
“I don’t think so. I had my hand on it first.”
“Listen buddy, if I don’t get these for my pregnant sister, I’m never going to hear the end of it.”
“Yeah well, that’s a shame but my boss loves these things and they go a long way toward smoothing over the rough spots at work if you know what I mean.”
“There’s plenty of that other brand.”
“Then you buy one of those. The boss likes this kind.”
“But my sister wants these!”
David Jackson glared at his adversary all the while berating himself with barely contained exasperation. Why the hell did he continue to do this? Last minute shopping on Christmas Eve was bad enough but when his sister called him frantically demanding he buy X brand chocolate covered cherries what was he supposed to do? Ignore her and the ardent pleas of a brother-in-law who was being driven to distraction by his beloved but bedeviling wife?
He’d searched high and low for these damn cherries. Every store that was supposed to carry the brand his sister insisted on had been out until here, at this last chance stop he’d found a single box in a display that had been picked clean. He’d silently shouted his triumph until that cry had been rudely interrupted. And now the interrupter was glaring back at him with what had to be the most gorgeous and at the moment, deadly serious eyes he’d ever seen.
Standing six feet tall himself, David was on an even level with the man who was threatening to make his Christmas day pure hell. The stranger was dressed in faded jeans, a dark navy sweater and boots. His black coat was thrown over the top basket of the cart he was pushing. From what he could see, the man was lean and from the grip he had on the box of cherries, he was endowed with a wiry strength. Not only that, he possessed a face that was just plain arresting. Oval with a strong chin, his nose was a slim blade that led down to curved well-shaped lips that suddenly made David wonder how they’d feel against his own. Add chiseled cheeks and those wide-set blue eyes with more than a hint of deep lavender in them and it was enough to give a man hot flashes.
“Isn’t it kind of late to be buying presents for your boss?” he asked the golden haired hottie he was staring at. “I would have thought office parties were over already.”
A sharp move of the strangers head resettled tousled bangs. “Not that it’s any of your business but my boss and his wife are hosting a cocktail party tomorrow night and I have to put in an appearance. I’ll be delivering these chocolate covered cherries then.”
David grimaced and refrained from cursing. “Look, I can’t go home without these. Do you think we could reach some kind of compromise here?”
“Like what?”
“Like, let’s split them.”
“How do you propose we do that?”
“A couple of isles over they’ve got holiday candy dishes. We could each buy one and take half the box. Your boss and my sister will get less candy but they’ll never know. Hell there’s what, fifty of these things in here?”
“I suppose that would work but I’m not done with my shopping yet. In fact I’ve just started.”
“Sounds like we’re in the same boat. How about we combine forces, do our shopping and after we check out we can split the cherries out in the parking lot?”
For the first time, his opponent smiled and David felt his libido take a direct punch to the gut. “It’s a deal. I’ll even let you take them in your cart.” The man handed the box over then held out his hand. “I’m Tor Murata.”
Taking the proffered hand, David introduced himself all the while cursing his lack of gaydar. This guy was definitely someone he’d like to get to know on a more personal level but he wasn’t about to risk making a pass at a straight guy. “Nice to meet you Tor. That’s not a name you hear everyday.”
“Ah, yeah. It’s short for Toru. I’m one quarter Japanese. My dad named me after my grandfather.”
“Interesting. Have you ever been to Japan?”
“A couple of times.” Tor rattled off a short spate of incomprehensible speech. “Which means, I understand Japanese… a little,” he finished with a grin. “Even though my grandparents live here, we have other family there. My parents took me to visit them and we did a lot of sight seeing too. I really enjoyed the trips and learning about the Japanese culture so I decided to study the language. My grandfather’s no end pleased when I converse with him in his native tongue. He gets a real kick out of my speech faux pas even though I don’t do too badly now.”
David got them started wheeling their carts toward the isle that held candy dishes. “I’ve always thought it would be nice to speak a foreign language. I tried French and German but they didn’t take,” he confessed, impressed by Tor’s accomplishment.
“I think it helps if you have a concrete reason for learning a language. My sister wanted especially to learn to read and write Japanese because she likes to read yaoi manga.”
“What’s that?”
Tor flashed David a quick look and a mischievous grin. “Manga are graphic novels, similar to comic books and yaoi loosely translated is boys love.”
Instantly alert, David responded. “You mean like… two guys together?”
“Hmm. Well, I guess that makes sense. I’ve heard that some straight women get off on that. Guess it’s not surprising considering the fact that a lot of straight men like watching two women together.”
Arriving at the glassware isle they began examining the merchandise. “Does that do it for you? Two women together?” Tor casually asked.
Knowing a leading question when he heard one, David answered truthfully. He’d made up his mind a long time ago about hiding his sexuality. Being gay wasn’t something he advertised but when asked directly he didn’t deny it. “Personally I’d rather borrow one of your sister’s manga.”
“Me too,” Tor answered.
The two of them looked at each other in perfect understanding. Tor smiled and winked. He picked out a clear crystal candy dish with a holly design etched into the glass. “I think I’ll take this one.”
“Good choice. I like that one too.” David took a similar one and placed it in his cart. “So what next? I have a couple of toys to get then I need men’s and ladies wear. The toy department is just over that way,” he said, motioning in the general direction.
“Toys works for me.”
“Toys it is.”
David led the way to the toy department all the while very conscious of the fact that Tor, who’d just deliberately brought out into the open the fact that they both liked men, was following him. A small smile rode his lips. This trip was turning out a lot better than he’d anticipated. Despite the crowds, the heat that was turned up too high and the Christmas music that was being played too loudly over the store speakers, he felt his former irritation wane.
Arriving at the toy department they discovered each of them had nieces and nephews to buy for. They debated the merits of toy cars and action figures for small boys then dolls and colorful plastic horses with rainbow hued manes and tails that could be combed and styled for the girls.
“Do little girls really like these things?” Tor asked.
“Oh yeah,” David said perusing the box Tor held. It contained a plastic unicorn with big eyes and a benevolent expression. She was wearing a cape and a pointy hat. The box proclaimed it to be Rainbow Princess Dainty Toes. He chuckled at the name. “My niece loves these things. They don’t look so hot after she’s combed the hell out their hair and trotted them through the garden a time or two but she definitely loves them.”
Tor nodded. “I’ll bow to your expertise. Princess Dainty Toes, looks like you’ve found a new home. Heaven help you.”
David laughed and picked out a plastic winged pony called Princess Twinkle Bell. “I’ll take Miss Dainty’s sister.”
Finished in the toy department they wandered over to clothing and found knitted gloves with matching scarves and hats for some of the older females on their lists. Nice ties and wildly patterned boxers found their way into both carts. The jewelry department yielded pairs of earrings for pierced ears and new leather wallets and the salesperson at the cosmetics counter touted the merits of a perfume that both of them found acceptable. When the last names on their lists were accounted for, a new problem arose.
“What about wrapping paper? I don’t know about you, but I don’t have any,” David told Tor.
“Me either. I think it’s over where they usually have the garden stuff.”
This time Tor led the way and David gratefully followed. More than once he’d surreptitiously given his shopping companion the once over. He liked what he saw and the view from this angle was no different. Tor was in great shape and it was a pleasure just watching that long legged saunter in action.
Once in the Christmas department, they started shuffling through boxes loaded with rolls of wrapping paper. Tor picked up one with half a dozen rolls in it. “You know, I was thinking. Since we both have to wrap presents why bother with each of us buying our own paper, bows and tape. We could pool our resources and go in on this stuff together then you could come over to my place and we’ll help each other wrap presents. That is, if you’re not busy and you’d like to.”
Whispering a silent prayer of thanks to whatever Christmas elves had conspired to bring him this run of luck, David accepted. “Yeah, sounds good. I hope you’re better at wrapping than I am.”
“Well, I can’t make any guarantees but we can give it a good try anyway. Maybe we should go with gift bags.”
With a raised brow David nodded, approving Tor’s suggestion. After some consideration they settled on a combination of bags, boxes, bows and wrapping paper. After a visit to the stationary department for cards and tape, they headed for the checkout. The lines were long and they passed the time joking about the wildly speculative headlines on some of the gossip magazines that were on display.
The model on the cover of a men’s health magazine drew David’s eye He picked it up. “Look at those muscles. You gotta have a lot of time to invest to get in that kind of shape. What do you think?”
“Too bulky.” Tor blatantly ran his gaze over David from head to toe and back again. “I like guys with a more natural look. And besides that, he’s got brown eyes.”
“You don’t like brown eyes?”
“I’m very partial to green.”
David smiled, hoping his pleasure at Tor’s roundabout compliment would be conveyed by his own green eyes. Noticing that the line had moved, he replaced the magazine and turned his attention to unloading his cart on the conveyor belt and paying for his purchases. He watched while Tor in turn did his own checkout dance. Items were laid on the conveyer, then scanning and bagging was done by the cashier. Tor grabbed the bags and reloaded the cart, stopping only momentarily for that all important exchange of currency. With that done they headed out into the parking lot.
“Damn, it’s cold,” Tor complained quickly donning his coat. His breath huffed out in cloudy white puffs.
David was already buttoning his. “You got that right. So where are you parked? I’m over there in the far reaches of row C.”
“I’m a couple rows past you out in the parking lot boonies. Show me where your car’s at then I’ll drive around and you can follow me home.”
“All right.”
The two of them wound their way through the lot. Even the parking lot had its share of crowds. People were coming and going. Some were laughing and seemed to be having a good time, while others looked merely harassed. Cars were circling like sharks in search of the more coveted parking spaces. A horn sounded here, a car alarm there and the whole thing was overseen by the glare of headlights, towering lot lights and the twinkle of Christmas lights that decorated the small trees along the slim medians between parking rows.
With his shopping done, David heaved a sigh of relief. It was good to be able to leave the bustle behind.
“It’s gonna be damn nice to get out of here, huh?” Tor asked.
“Oh yeah. I can’t say I mind shopping but this is too much. Too many people and too much noise.”
“I have to admit I like it quieter myself. I’m an architect so I’m used to spending a lot of quiet time by myself while I work. Sometimes I’ll have the radio on but most of the time I work without any background noise. It’s easier to concentrate that way.”
“You sound like me. I’m a graphics designer. I do most of my work on my computer at home and it’s usually quiet.” They arrived at a sleek silver vehicle. “This is me,” David said. He pulled out his keys and popped the trunk.
“Nice car,” Tor commented while reaching for his wallet. He extracted a small rectangular piece of paper. “Here’s my card. My cell number’s on it.” He unzipped his coat a bit and reached into an inner pocket coming out with a pen. He quickly scribbled something on the back of the card. “This is my address in case we get separated in traffic. If you get lost, give me a call.”
David took the card and looked at the address. “I think I know about where this is. It’s those nice condos near Bernardo’s and the West View strip mall isn’t it?”
“That’s the place. You want to go ahead, or wait and follow me?”
“Oh, I’ll wait for you.”
“Okay. I’ll be back around in a few minutes. I’m driving a maroon pick up truck with a flat cap over the bed.”
Tor went on, wheeling his cart ahead of him and David unloaded his purchases into the trunk of his car. Leaving the cart in one of the nearby round-up stands, he returned and slid in behind the wheel, started the engine and turned up the heat. It wasn’t long before warm air started coming through the vents.
He shivered and murmured a heartfelt, “Thank God.” As he waited, snow flakes began hitting the windshield. Looks like that snow the weatherman promised is actually going to show up. Damn. Most of the old stuff was almost gone too. Oh well, the kids will be happy and Mom always says how much she likes having a white Christmas.
Keeping watch in the rearview mirror, he saw a maroon truck pass by and slow to a stop just past him. Glad to see Tor at last, he backed out and followed him out of the parking lot. The traffic was heavy but he managed to stay with Tor through every light. Fifteen minutes later he was parking next to him in front of a large condo building with a neat yard. The bare trees were accented by white twinkle lights and with the snow falling and Christmas wreaths hung on nearby doors it was a festive and welcoming sight.
With their loaded bags of purchases in tow, Tor led the way to his door. Unlocking it, he preceded David inside. A nightlight gave the entranceway a soft glow, illuminating it just enough so that David avoided bumping into the small table just inside.
Tor dropped his keys into the shallow bowl that rested on it. “Hold on a sec. Let me turn on some lights,” he said.
He walked into what David supposed was the darkened living room and sure enough when the first lamp was turned on his supposition was borne out. It was a comfortable looking place. A sofa in a brownish gold color stood near one wall and faced the fireplace across the room. Several other chairs and tables were scattered around, one of which matched the sofa and had a large ottoman in front of it. Everything rested atop shaded carpet in muted green tones.
There was a dining room table at the far end of the room. “Let’s unload everything over here on the table.” Tor said, leading the way towards it. “We’ll have plenty of room and a good flat surface to spread the paper out on.” Dropping his bags he made for the open entranceway that led to his kitchen. “I’ll get some scissors. Would you like some coffee or how about hot chocolate? I’ve got real marshmallows. Or maybe chocolate coffee, I sometimes mix the two together. Oh and uh, I guess we ought to take our coats off huh?”
Tor flashed him a slightly sheepish smile and David chuckled. “Sounds like a good idea. And I’ll take whatever you want to fix. Don’t go to too much trouble on my account. Just plain coffee is fine with me.” He unbuttoned his coat and slipped it off then reached out a hand for Tor’s. “Where do you want these?”
“There’s a coat closet by the front door.”
“All right.”
David took care of the coats and returned to the living room where he began unpacking the bags. The wrapping paper, tape, bows, boxes and gift bags were set out in neat piles on one end of the table. Pulling a couple of chairs away from the table, he emptied the shopping bags laying the smaller items on the chair seats while setting the larger things on the floor. The smell of coffee teased his nostrils and he appreciatively breathed it in. A few minutes later, Tor came in with two mugs and a large pair of scissors tucked under his arm. He took the cups over to the end table near the sofa.
“Hey, would you grab that coaster over there?” he asked David, indicating with a glance the coaster that rested on a small table near the sofa’s matching chair.
“Sure.” David did as he asked and Tor set the second cup down.
“You need cream or sugar?”
“Nope, I take it black.” He chose a mug, picked it up and took a sip. “This is good. Thanks.”
“No problem. You want to sit a minute or get started?”
“Maybe we should get started. This might take a while and I have to drop those cherries off before I go home.”
Tor agreed and the two of them began by deciding what was going in gift bags and what had to be wrapped. They talked and joked around as they tackled the job before them, making the time pass quickly. Both men’s wrapping technique was a little shaky but together they managed to make a decent job of it. Bows were applied to wrapped boxes and tags or cards were attached. Both stopped now and then for swallows of coffee with Tor refreshing their cups partway through.
Working closely together, it was inevitable that the occasional touch or brushing of bodies would occur. David felt his awareness of Tor heighten with each casual contact. Tor’s scent in particular had caught his attention. It was warm, slightly musky, definitely male and accented by some subtle aroma that David found quite tempting. There was a distinct tightening in his groin, a precursor to a level of arousal that would make his cock start to thicken. He shifted a bit on his feet, admonishing himself to stay in control. How would it look if he was suddenly sporting a hard-on out of the blue?
Folding the corners of wrapping paper over the box he was working with, he reached for the tape and found himself nearly holding Tor’s hand instead. He froze for a second, his gaze flying to Tor’s. The lavender tint in Tor’s eyes darkened and his tongue came out to wet his lips.
He twisted his hand a bit and pressed the tape into David’s. “Go ahead. Take it.”
The husky quality to Tor’s voice had a groan threatening to rise from David’s chest. His gaze drifted down to Tor’s lips. He knew Tor meant the tape but couldn’t he have meant take a kiss? The thought was so damned enticing. He wrestled with temptation for a moment but afraid of overstepping his bounds, he grudgingly settled for taking the tape. Hyper-aware of the fact that Tor was watching his hands as he taped and folded another corner; he had to struggle to keep from tensing up. He finished as quickly as possible and returned the tape to Tor. Tor merely smiled and thanked him, leaving David to breathe a small sigh of relief.
Finally the last item rested on the table before them. The box of chocolate covered cherries. David opened it and the individually wrapped confections were divided into two equal piles. The shiny, red-foil covered candies glittered under the overhead light. Both candy dishes were filled and red ribbons tied around the handles on their tops. Nests of tissue paper were put inside gift bags and the candy dishes placed carefully inside.
David and Tor’s eyes met and they both grinned.
“That’s it,” David announced.
“We did it,” Tor agreed.
“Man, I can’t believe how painless it actually was. Normally I’m cursing a blue streak right about now.”
“It was a good idea to do it together.”
“Yeah,” David agreed. “I’ll help clean up the mess then I’ll get out of your hair.” Not that he was anxious to leave. If anything he wished he had an excuse to stay longer.
“You’re not in my hair. I’m having a good time,” Tor told him with quiet sincerity.
Encouraged, David smiled at him. “Me too.”
Leaving it at that for the moment, he helped Tor pack one of the empty shopping bags with the odds and ends of paper and ribbon while giving himself time to think.
“I’m going to take this out to the trash container in back,” Tor told him and carried the bulging bag in through the kitchen and out the door on the other side of the room. David grabbed their empty coffee cups and followed in his footsteps, stopping at the sink to rinse them out. From the corner of his eye, he saw Tor return.
David dried his hands on the towel that was lying on the counter. Turning around, he found Tor standing near.
“You ever try one of these?” Tor asked. He was holding one of the chocolate covered cherries in his hand.
David shook his head and watched as Tor unwrapped the candy then popped it into his mouth. He stepped close and leaned in, bringing his lips to David’s. A triumphant thrill ran down his spine and David welcomed him with all the desire that had been building inside him since the moment he’d laid eyes on the man. Mouths opening, their tongues met around melting chocolate. The kiss was sweet and hot. When the chocolate sufficiently dissolved, the flavor of cherry liqueur burst upon his tongue. David groaned and sucked it into his mouth along with the cherry Tor gave him. Pulling back a bit, he chewed the savory, tart fruit and swallowed it along with the chocolate and sticky sweet liqueur.
Tor was grinning at him. “What do you think?”
“Not bad. I wondered what all the fuss was about. Tell you what though; I’d like to try another kiss. This time without the cherry.”
“That’s easy.”
Tor readily gave him just what he asked for and this time the taste he savored was Tor’s overlaid by the barest hint of cherry. It was a flavor he’d never forget along with the feel of the man in his arms. Something about the way they fit felt so right as though Tor was meant to be there. The hard-on that had been threatening to make an appearance all evening did just that but David wasn’t the least bit embarrassed by it. Tor was very obviously in a similar state and it seemed the right thing to do to press his body close to Tor’s and share that growing arousal.
They took a step back until David was pressed against the kitchen counter by the sink. One of Tor’s arms came down, his hand sliding between them. Agile fingers unbuttoned David’s jeans and slid his zipper down. “Is this all right?” Tor asked in a gravely purr.
“Hell yes,” David groaned and attacked Tor’s zipper as well.
Clothing was adjusted until two full and demanding erections were brought together. Tor’s fingers closed around them just as David’s did. Standing so closely, they shared each panting breath and moan that accompanied the firm strokes of their hands up and down naked, swollen columns of flesh. Tor’s thumb swept over the beads of pre-come leaking from their tips and the contact twisted a knife of pure pleasure in David’s gut.
He knew he wouldn’t last long. “Oh fuck. So good. I can’t hold out.”
“Don’t try. I’m about to blow,” Tor growled.
A few more strokes was all it took. Orgasm struck fast and hard wrenching spurts of warm semen from both men. Stomach muscles clenching, David uttered a guttural groan in concert with the blissful implosion that rocked his insides. His free arm tightened around Tor and he felt Tor’s fingers grip his shoulder as he rocked his body against David’s.
David let the pleasure wash through him and followed its waning ebb until the only thing left was the slowing pound of his heart and muscles that felt suddenly bereft of strength. Leaning against him, Tor chuckled weakly and David found himself grinning.
“Damn, talk about hot and fast,” David croaked.
Tor squeezed his shoulder. “But damn good.”
“Oh yeah.”
Taking a deep breath, Tor released his grip on David. “Turn sideways with me.” Completing the maneuver, Tor reached for the towel on the counter. He wiped his hand and David’s then very gently both their cocks. He threw the towel into the sink and took a step back to tuck himself in and readjust his clothing. David did the same while Tor rinsed out the towel then washed his hands. When Tor fished in a nearby drawer for a clean towel, David washed his own hands and accepted it when Tor handed it over.
Their eyes met and both men smiled. “I know you can’t stay so I won’t ask. I’m booked up with family the next couple of days but what are you doing New Years Eve?” Tor asked.
“Spending it with you.”
“Good answer.”
They came together and shared a long, leisurely yet oh-so-satisfying kiss. Tor’s hand came down and squeezed one cheek of David’s ass. “We better stop or I won’t let you go. I’ll help carry your stuff out to the car.”
“Good idea,” David agreed.
Together they gathered David’s share of the wrapped presents and slid them back into the empty shopping bags. Tor had David give him his phone number and address. “Just in case you try to ditch me,” he teased.
“Like that’s gonna happen,” David scoffed.
Donning their coats, they went out into the cold, snowy winter night. With the bags safely stowed in the trunk they said their goodbyes which included another scorching kiss.
“Maybe that’ll help keep you warm until I see you again,” Tor murmured in that husky way that had David’s toes curling. He stepped back as David opened the car door.
“I better get out of here. I’m starting to overheat,” David confessed then levered himself behind the wheel to the sound of Tor’s laughter. He closed his door and started the car. Through the windshield he saw Tor return to his doorstep and open the front door. He stood for a moment, silhouetted in the warm glow of light from the room beyond. Lifting his hand in a simple wave, he went inside and closed the door behind him.
Grinning, David backed the car out and headed for his sister’s house. He glanced at the festive bag lying on the passenger seat. He had the distinct impression that hunting for chocolate covered cherries was going to become a yearly Christmas tradition. One he’d no longer be doing alone.
“Uh, I believe that’s mine.”
“I don’t think so. I had my hand on it first.”
“Listen buddy, if I don’t get these for my pregnant sister, I’m never going to hear the end of it.”
“Yeah well, that’s a shame but my boss loves these things and they go a long way toward smoothing over the rough spots at work if you know what I mean.”
“There’s plenty of that other brand.”
“Then you buy one of those. The boss likes this kind.”
“But my sister wants these!”
David Jackson glared at his adversary all the while berating himself with barely contained exasperation. Why the hell did he continue to do this? Last minute shopping on Christmas Eve was bad enough but when his sister called him frantically demanding he buy X brand chocolate covered cherries what was he supposed to do? Ignore her and the ardent pleas of a brother-in-law who was being driven to distraction by his beloved but bedeviling wife?
He’d searched high and low for these damn cherries. Every store that was supposed to carry the brand his sister insisted on had been out until here, at this last chance stop he’d found a single box in a display that had been picked clean. He’d silently shouted his triumph until that cry had been rudely interrupted. And now the interrupter was glaring back at him with what had to be the most gorgeous and at the moment, deadly serious eyes he’d ever seen.
Standing six feet tall himself, David was on an even level with the man who was threatening to make his Christmas day pure hell. The stranger was dressed in faded jeans, a dark navy sweater and boots. His black coat was thrown over the top basket of the cart he was pushing. From what he could see, the man was lean and from the grip he had on the box of cherries, he was endowed with a wiry strength. Not only that, he possessed a face that was just plain arresting. Oval with a strong chin, his nose was a slim blade that led down to curved well-shaped lips that suddenly made David wonder how they’d feel against his own. Add chiseled cheeks and those wide-set blue eyes with more than a hint of deep lavender in them and it was enough to give a man hot flashes.
“Isn’t it kind of late to be buying presents for your boss?” he asked the golden haired hottie he was staring at. “I would have thought office parties were over already.”
A sharp move of the strangers head resettled tousled bangs. “Not that it’s any of your business but my boss and his wife are hosting a cocktail party tomorrow night and I have to put in an appearance. I’ll be delivering these chocolate covered cherries then.”
David grimaced and refrained from cursing. “Look, I can’t go home without these. Do you think we could reach some kind of compromise here?”
“Like what?”
“Like, let’s split them.”
“How do you propose we do that?”
“A couple of isles over they’ve got holiday candy dishes. We could each buy one and take half the box. Your boss and my sister will get less candy but they’ll never know. Hell there’s what, fifty of these things in here?”
“I suppose that would work but I’m not done with my shopping yet. In fact I’ve just started.”
“Sounds like we’re in the same boat. How about we combine forces, do our shopping and after we check out we can split the cherries out in the parking lot?”
For the first time, his opponent smiled and David felt his libido take a direct punch to the gut. “It’s a deal. I’ll even let you take them in your cart.” The man handed the box over then held out his hand. “I’m Tor Murata.”
Taking the proffered hand, David introduced himself all the while cursing his lack of gaydar. This guy was definitely someone he’d like to get to know on a more personal level but he wasn’t about to risk making a pass at a straight guy. “Nice to meet you Tor. That’s not a name you hear everyday.”
“Ah, yeah. It’s short for Toru. I’m one quarter Japanese. My dad named me after my grandfather.”
“Interesting. Have you ever been to Japan?”
“A couple of times.” Tor rattled off a short spate of incomprehensible speech. “Which means, I understand Japanese… a little,” he finished with a grin. “Even though my grandparents live here, we have other family there. My parents took me to visit them and we did a lot of sight seeing too. I really enjoyed the trips and learning about the Japanese culture so I decided to study the language. My grandfather’s no end pleased when I converse with him in his native tongue. He gets a real kick out of my speech faux pas even though I don’t do too badly now.”
David got them started wheeling their carts toward the isle that held candy dishes. “I’ve always thought it would be nice to speak a foreign language. I tried French and German but they didn’t take,” he confessed, impressed by Tor’s accomplishment.
“I think it helps if you have a concrete reason for learning a language. My sister wanted especially to learn to read and write Japanese because she likes to read yaoi manga.”
“What’s that?”
Tor flashed David a quick look and a mischievous grin. “Manga are graphic novels, similar to comic books and yaoi loosely translated is boys love.”
Instantly alert, David responded. “You mean like… two guys together?”
“Hmm. Well, I guess that makes sense. I’ve heard that some straight women get off on that. Guess it’s not surprising considering the fact that a lot of straight men like watching two women together.”
Arriving at the glassware isle they began examining the merchandise. “Does that do it for you? Two women together?” Tor casually asked.
Knowing a leading question when he heard one, David answered truthfully. He’d made up his mind a long time ago about hiding his sexuality. Being gay wasn’t something he advertised but when asked directly he didn’t deny it. “Personally I’d rather borrow one of your sister’s manga.”
“Me too,” Tor answered.
The two of them looked at each other in perfect understanding. Tor smiled and winked. He picked out a clear crystal candy dish with a holly design etched into the glass. “I think I’ll take this one.”
“Good choice. I like that one too.” David took a similar one and placed it in his cart. “So what next? I have a couple of toys to get then I need men’s and ladies wear. The toy department is just over that way,” he said, motioning in the general direction.
“Toys works for me.”
“Toys it is.”
David led the way to the toy department all the while very conscious of the fact that Tor, who’d just deliberately brought out into the open the fact that they both liked men, was following him. A small smile rode his lips. This trip was turning out a lot better than he’d anticipated. Despite the crowds, the heat that was turned up too high and the Christmas music that was being played too loudly over the store speakers, he felt his former irritation wane.
Arriving at the toy department they discovered each of them had nieces and nephews to buy for. They debated the merits of toy cars and action figures for small boys then dolls and colorful plastic horses with rainbow hued manes and tails that could be combed and styled for the girls.
“Do little girls really like these things?” Tor asked.
“Oh yeah,” David said perusing the box Tor held. It contained a plastic unicorn with big eyes and a benevolent expression. She was wearing a cape and a pointy hat. The box proclaimed it to be Rainbow Princess Dainty Toes. He chuckled at the name. “My niece loves these things. They don’t look so hot after she’s combed the hell out their hair and trotted them through the garden a time or two but she definitely loves them.”
Tor nodded. “I’ll bow to your expertise. Princess Dainty Toes, looks like you’ve found a new home. Heaven help you.”
David laughed and picked out a plastic winged pony called Princess Twinkle Bell. “I’ll take Miss Dainty’s sister.”
Finished in the toy department they wandered over to clothing and found knitted gloves with matching scarves and hats for some of the older females on their lists. Nice ties and wildly patterned boxers found their way into both carts. The jewelry department yielded pairs of earrings for pierced ears and new leather wallets and the salesperson at the cosmetics counter touted the merits of a perfume that both of them found acceptable. When the last names on their lists were accounted for, a new problem arose.
“What about wrapping paper? I don’t know about you, but I don’t have any,” David told Tor.
“Me either. I think it’s over where they usually have the garden stuff.”
This time Tor led the way and David gratefully followed. More than once he’d surreptitiously given his shopping companion the once over. He liked what he saw and the view from this angle was no different. Tor was in great shape and it was a pleasure just watching that long legged saunter in action.
Once in the Christmas department, they started shuffling through boxes loaded with rolls of wrapping paper. Tor picked up one with half a dozen rolls in it. “You know, I was thinking. Since we both have to wrap presents why bother with each of us buying our own paper, bows and tape. We could pool our resources and go in on this stuff together then you could come over to my place and we’ll help each other wrap presents. That is, if you’re not busy and you’d like to.”
Whispering a silent prayer of thanks to whatever Christmas elves had conspired to bring him this run of luck, David accepted. “Yeah, sounds good. I hope you’re better at wrapping than I am.”
“Well, I can’t make any guarantees but we can give it a good try anyway. Maybe we should go with gift bags.”
With a raised brow David nodded, approving Tor’s suggestion. After some consideration they settled on a combination of bags, boxes, bows and wrapping paper. After a visit to the stationary department for cards and tape, they headed for the checkout. The lines were long and they passed the time joking about the wildly speculative headlines on some of the gossip magazines that were on display.
The model on the cover of a men’s health magazine drew David’s eye He picked it up. “Look at those muscles. You gotta have a lot of time to invest to get in that kind of shape. What do you think?”
“Too bulky.” Tor blatantly ran his gaze over David from head to toe and back again. “I like guys with a more natural look. And besides that, he’s got brown eyes.”
“You don’t like brown eyes?”
“I’m very partial to green.”
David smiled, hoping his pleasure at Tor’s roundabout compliment would be conveyed by his own green eyes. Noticing that the line had moved, he replaced the magazine and turned his attention to unloading his cart on the conveyor belt and paying for his purchases. He watched while Tor in turn did his own checkout dance. Items were laid on the conveyer, then scanning and bagging was done by the cashier. Tor grabbed the bags and reloaded the cart, stopping only momentarily for that all important exchange of currency. With that done they headed out into the parking lot.
“Damn, it’s cold,” Tor complained quickly donning his coat. His breath huffed out in cloudy white puffs.
David was already buttoning his. “You got that right. So where are you parked? I’m over there in the far reaches of row C.”
“I’m a couple rows past you out in the parking lot boonies. Show me where your car’s at then I’ll drive around and you can follow me home.”
“All right.”
The two of them wound their way through the lot. Even the parking lot had its share of crowds. People were coming and going. Some were laughing and seemed to be having a good time, while others looked merely harassed. Cars were circling like sharks in search of the more coveted parking spaces. A horn sounded here, a car alarm there and the whole thing was overseen by the glare of headlights, towering lot lights and the twinkle of Christmas lights that decorated the small trees along the slim medians between parking rows.
With his shopping done, David heaved a sigh of relief. It was good to be able to leave the bustle behind.
“It’s gonna be damn nice to get out of here, huh?” Tor asked.
“Oh yeah. I can’t say I mind shopping but this is too much. Too many people and too much noise.”
“I have to admit I like it quieter myself. I’m an architect so I’m used to spending a lot of quiet time by myself while I work. Sometimes I’ll have the radio on but most of the time I work without any background noise. It’s easier to concentrate that way.”
“You sound like me. I’m a graphics designer. I do most of my work on my computer at home and it’s usually quiet.” They arrived at a sleek silver vehicle. “This is me,” David said. He pulled out his keys and popped the trunk.
“Nice car,” Tor commented while reaching for his wallet. He extracted a small rectangular piece of paper. “Here’s my card. My cell number’s on it.” He unzipped his coat a bit and reached into an inner pocket coming out with a pen. He quickly scribbled something on the back of the card. “This is my address in case we get separated in traffic. If you get lost, give me a call.”
David took the card and looked at the address. “I think I know about where this is. It’s those nice condos near Bernardo’s and the West View strip mall isn’t it?”
“That’s the place. You want to go ahead, or wait and follow me?”
“Oh, I’ll wait for you.”
“Okay. I’ll be back around in a few minutes. I’m driving a maroon pick up truck with a flat cap over the bed.”
Tor went on, wheeling his cart ahead of him and David unloaded his purchases into the trunk of his car. Leaving the cart in one of the nearby round-up stands, he returned and slid in behind the wheel, started the engine and turned up the heat. It wasn’t long before warm air started coming through the vents.
He shivered and murmured a heartfelt, “Thank God.” As he waited, snow flakes began hitting the windshield. Looks like that snow the weatherman promised is actually going to show up. Damn. Most of the old stuff was almost gone too. Oh well, the kids will be happy and Mom always says how much she likes having a white Christmas.
Keeping watch in the rearview mirror, he saw a maroon truck pass by and slow to a stop just past him. Glad to see Tor at last, he backed out and followed him out of the parking lot. The traffic was heavy but he managed to stay with Tor through every light. Fifteen minutes later he was parking next to him in front of a large condo building with a neat yard. The bare trees were accented by white twinkle lights and with the snow falling and Christmas wreaths hung on nearby doors it was a festive and welcoming sight.
With their loaded bags of purchases in tow, Tor led the way to his door. Unlocking it, he preceded David inside. A nightlight gave the entranceway a soft glow, illuminating it just enough so that David avoided bumping into the small table just inside.
Tor dropped his keys into the shallow bowl that rested on it. “Hold on a sec. Let me turn on some lights,” he said.
He walked into what David supposed was the darkened living room and sure enough when the first lamp was turned on his supposition was borne out. It was a comfortable looking place. A sofa in a brownish gold color stood near one wall and faced the fireplace across the room. Several other chairs and tables were scattered around, one of which matched the sofa and had a large ottoman in front of it. Everything rested atop shaded carpet in muted green tones.
There was a dining room table at the far end of the room. “Let’s unload everything over here on the table.” Tor said, leading the way towards it. “We’ll have plenty of room and a good flat surface to spread the paper out on.” Dropping his bags he made for the open entranceway that led to his kitchen. “I’ll get some scissors. Would you like some coffee or how about hot chocolate? I’ve got real marshmallows. Or maybe chocolate coffee, I sometimes mix the two together. Oh and uh, I guess we ought to take our coats off huh?”
Tor flashed him a slightly sheepish smile and David chuckled. “Sounds like a good idea. And I’ll take whatever you want to fix. Don’t go to too much trouble on my account. Just plain coffee is fine with me.” He unbuttoned his coat and slipped it off then reached out a hand for Tor’s. “Where do you want these?”
“There’s a coat closet by the front door.”
“All right.”
David took care of the coats and returned to the living room where he began unpacking the bags. The wrapping paper, tape, bows, boxes and gift bags were set out in neat piles on one end of the table. Pulling a couple of chairs away from the table, he emptied the shopping bags laying the smaller items on the chair seats while setting the larger things on the floor. The smell of coffee teased his nostrils and he appreciatively breathed it in. A few minutes later, Tor came in with two mugs and a large pair of scissors tucked under his arm. He took the cups over to the end table near the sofa.
“Hey, would you grab that coaster over there?” he asked David, indicating with a glance the coaster that rested on a small table near the sofa’s matching chair.
“Sure.” David did as he asked and Tor set the second cup down.
“You need cream or sugar?”
“Nope, I take it black.” He chose a mug, picked it up and took a sip. “This is good. Thanks.”
“No problem. You want to sit a minute or get started?”
“Maybe we should get started. This might take a while and I have to drop those cherries off before I go home.”
Tor agreed and the two of them began by deciding what was going in gift bags and what had to be wrapped. They talked and joked around as they tackled the job before them, making the time pass quickly. Both men’s wrapping technique was a little shaky but together they managed to make a decent job of it. Bows were applied to wrapped boxes and tags or cards were attached. Both stopped now and then for swallows of coffee with Tor refreshing their cups partway through.
Working closely together, it was inevitable that the occasional touch or brushing of bodies would occur. David felt his awareness of Tor heighten with each casual contact. Tor’s scent in particular had caught his attention. It was warm, slightly musky, definitely male and accented by some subtle aroma that David found quite tempting. There was a distinct tightening in his groin, a precursor to a level of arousal that would make his cock start to thicken. He shifted a bit on his feet, admonishing himself to stay in control. How would it look if he was suddenly sporting a hard-on out of the blue?
Folding the corners of wrapping paper over the box he was working with, he reached for the tape and found himself nearly holding Tor’s hand instead. He froze for a second, his gaze flying to Tor’s. The lavender tint in Tor’s eyes darkened and his tongue came out to wet his lips.
He twisted his hand a bit and pressed the tape into David’s. “Go ahead. Take it.”
The husky quality to Tor’s voice had a groan threatening to rise from David’s chest. His gaze drifted down to Tor’s lips. He knew Tor meant the tape but couldn’t he have meant take a kiss? The thought was so damned enticing. He wrestled with temptation for a moment but afraid of overstepping his bounds, he grudgingly settled for taking the tape. Hyper-aware of the fact that Tor was watching his hands as he taped and folded another corner; he had to struggle to keep from tensing up. He finished as quickly as possible and returned the tape to Tor. Tor merely smiled and thanked him, leaving David to breathe a small sigh of relief.
Finally the last item rested on the table before them. The box of chocolate covered cherries. David opened it and the individually wrapped confections were divided into two equal piles. The shiny, red-foil covered candies glittered under the overhead light. Both candy dishes were filled and red ribbons tied around the handles on their tops. Nests of tissue paper were put inside gift bags and the candy dishes placed carefully inside.
David and Tor’s eyes met and they both grinned.
“That’s it,” David announced.
“We did it,” Tor agreed.
“Man, I can’t believe how painless it actually was. Normally I’m cursing a blue streak right about now.”
“It was a good idea to do it together.”
“Yeah,” David agreed. “I’ll help clean up the mess then I’ll get out of your hair.” Not that he was anxious to leave. If anything he wished he had an excuse to stay longer.
“You’re not in my hair. I’m having a good time,” Tor told him with quiet sincerity.
Encouraged, David smiled at him. “Me too.”
Leaving it at that for the moment, he helped Tor pack one of the empty shopping bags with the odds and ends of paper and ribbon while giving himself time to think.
“I’m going to take this out to the trash container in back,” Tor told him and carried the bulging bag in through the kitchen and out the door on the other side of the room. David grabbed their empty coffee cups and followed in his footsteps, stopping at the sink to rinse them out. From the corner of his eye, he saw Tor return.
David dried his hands on the towel that was lying on the counter. Turning around, he found Tor standing near.
“You ever try one of these?” Tor asked. He was holding one of the chocolate covered cherries in his hand.
David shook his head and watched as Tor unwrapped the candy then popped it into his mouth. He stepped close and leaned in, bringing his lips to David’s. A triumphant thrill ran down his spine and David welcomed him with all the desire that had been building inside him since the moment he’d laid eyes on the man. Mouths opening, their tongues met around melting chocolate. The kiss was sweet and hot. When the chocolate sufficiently dissolved, the flavor of cherry liqueur burst upon his tongue. David groaned and sucked it into his mouth along with the cherry Tor gave him. Pulling back a bit, he chewed the savory, tart fruit and swallowed it along with the chocolate and sticky sweet liqueur.
Tor was grinning at him. “What do you think?”
“Not bad. I wondered what all the fuss was about. Tell you what though; I’d like to try another kiss. This time without the cherry.”
“That’s easy.”
Tor readily gave him just what he asked for and this time the taste he savored was Tor’s overlaid by the barest hint of cherry. It was a flavor he’d never forget along with the feel of the man in his arms. Something about the way they fit felt so right as though Tor was meant to be there. The hard-on that had been threatening to make an appearance all evening did just that but David wasn’t the least bit embarrassed by it. Tor was very obviously in a similar state and it seemed the right thing to do to press his body close to Tor’s and share that growing arousal.
They took a step back until David was pressed against the kitchen counter by the sink. One of Tor’s arms came down, his hand sliding between them. Agile fingers unbuttoned David’s jeans and slid his zipper down. “Is this all right?” Tor asked in a gravely purr.
“Hell yes,” David groaned and attacked Tor’s zipper as well.
Clothing was adjusted until two full and demanding erections were brought together. Tor’s fingers closed around them just as David’s did. Standing so closely, they shared each panting breath and moan that accompanied the firm strokes of their hands up and down naked, swollen columns of flesh. Tor’s thumb swept over the beads of pre-come leaking from their tips and the contact twisted a knife of pure pleasure in David’s gut.
He knew he wouldn’t last long. “Oh fuck. So good. I can’t hold out.”
“Don’t try. I’m about to blow,” Tor growled.
A few more strokes was all it took. Orgasm struck fast and hard wrenching spurts of warm semen from both men. Stomach muscles clenching, David uttered a guttural groan in concert with the blissful implosion that rocked his insides. His free arm tightened around Tor and he felt Tor’s fingers grip his shoulder as he rocked his body against David’s.
David let the pleasure wash through him and followed its waning ebb until the only thing left was the slowing pound of his heart and muscles that felt suddenly bereft of strength. Leaning against him, Tor chuckled weakly and David found himself grinning.
“Damn, talk about hot and fast,” David croaked.
Tor squeezed his shoulder. “But damn good.”
“Oh yeah.”
Taking a deep breath, Tor released his grip on David. “Turn sideways with me.” Completing the maneuver, Tor reached for the towel on the counter. He wiped his hand and David’s then very gently both their cocks. He threw the towel into the sink and took a step back to tuck himself in and readjust his clothing. David did the same while Tor rinsed out the towel then washed his hands. When Tor fished in a nearby drawer for a clean towel, David washed his own hands and accepted it when Tor handed it over.
Their eyes met and both men smiled. “I know you can’t stay so I won’t ask. I’m booked up with family the next couple of days but what are you doing New Years Eve?” Tor asked.
“Spending it with you.”
“Good answer.”
They came together and shared a long, leisurely yet oh-so-satisfying kiss. Tor’s hand came down and squeezed one cheek of David’s ass. “We better stop or I won’t let you go. I’ll help carry your stuff out to the car.”
“Good idea,” David agreed.
Together they gathered David’s share of the wrapped presents and slid them back into the empty shopping bags. Tor had David give him his phone number and address. “Just in case you try to ditch me,” he teased.
“Like that’s gonna happen,” David scoffed.
Donning their coats, they went out into the cold, snowy winter night. With the bags safely stowed in the trunk they said their goodbyes which included another scorching kiss.
“Maybe that’ll help keep you warm until I see you again,” Tor murmured in that husky way that had David’s toes curling. He stepped back as David opened the car door.
“I better get out of here. I’m starting to overheat,” David confessed then levered himself behind the wheel to the sound of Tor’s laughter. He closed his door and started the car. Through the windshield he saw Tor return to his doorstep and open the front door. He stood for a moment, silhouetted in the warm glow of light from the room beyond. Lifting his hand in a simple wave, he went inside and closed the door behind him.
Grinning, David backed the car out and headed for his sister’s house. He glanced at the festive bag lying on the passenger seat. He had the distinct impression that hunting for chocolate covered cherries was going to become a yearly Christmas tradition. One he’d no longer be doing alone.
At 4:36 PM,
leo said…
Great story.
At 3:42 PM,
Alex said…
A lovely seasonal story - gave me a warm feeling all over
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