Darling Hunter
Darling Hunter by Kate Steele
Through the canopy of trees over head, Mark glanced up at the cool opalescent orb of the moon. It illuminated his way through a darkness that otherwise would have been impenetrable. Peering cautiously from behind the tree that sheltered him, he gauged the distance between where he stood and the next, and possibly better, hiding place. Like a wild animal, he held perfectly still, his ears straining to hear any small sound while his eyes searched for any movement in this haunting, shadow-shrouded wood.
The night’s stillness was broken by the chirping of crickets and the soft soughing of air that whispered through the leaves of the brush and trees that surrounded him. The only motion he could detect was those same leaves swaying as they were touched by the ghostly fingers of the gentle wind that danced over them. Satisfied, he stealthily crept to what he hoped was a safe haven.
Taking those few steps into the open, bordered on frightening. His skin prickled. Tension and apprehension stretched every nerve in his body taut and a fine sheen of sweat broke over him while his heart pounded and his lungs labored.
Having made it to the next refuge, he leaned against the rough bark of yet another tree. Hidden by the surrounding thicket that, with any luck, hid him from the view of his pursuer, he took deep and quiet breaths trying desperately to still the near frantic beat of his heart. Hide and seek was supposed to be fun but this little game he’d started suddenly seemed fraught with danger. He shivered when a cool breeze caressed the nape of his neck.
Resisting the urge to rub the goose bumps that marched up and down his arms, Mark debated the merits of moving on when a rustling in the underbrush nearby made him freeze. His lungs seized and his heart jumped with the jolt of pure adrenalin that flooded his veins. For a breathless shock-laden moment, time seemed to stand still. His eyes widened and his lips parted as he fixed his anxious regard on the brush before him. Expecting it to part and reveal the hunter, instead, his astonished gaze was drawn downward when a furry body was disgorged from its place of concealment.
Man and beast stared at each other for a split second before pure panic set them both in motion. The startled raccoon seemed to double in size as every hair on its body stood on end. It did an odd circling dance as though confused as to what to do or in which direction to run. Seeing it make a bewildered rush toward where he stood, Mark frantically back pedaled then let out a warbling cry when his back connected with a solid slab of male muscle.
Two strong arms trapped him within an unbreakable circle and a deep voice growled in his ear. “Gotcha.”
Mark’s heart made a desperate leap for freedom. “Fuck! Damn it, Joe! You nearly scared me to death!”
“That’s what you get for running away from me. What’s the big idea anyway? One minute you’re off to pee on a tree and the next I hear your voice from what sounds like a mile away daring me to come and find you.”
Mark took a deep, shuddery breath and sagged in Joe’s arms. “I just thought it would be fun. You know, a little hide and seek in the dark? Didn’t you ever do that when you were a kid?”
“Sure. My brother, sister and I used to play that with the neighbor kids. As I recall there was usually a lot of running, yelling and outright screaming going on when someone managed to sneak up on someone else. Sort of like the screaming you just did.”
“I didn’t not scream.”
“Yeah you did… you shrieked like a little girl.”
“Did not, asshole.”
“Asshole? Is that anyway to talk to the man who just rescued you from a big bad raccoon?”
“You didn’t rescue me. He was already scared.”
“Not as scared as you, I’ll bet.”
Mark laughed. Now that all his tension had drained away he felt almost giddy with relief and was seeing the humor in the situation. “Probably not.”
“So, what prize does the winner receive?” Joe asked. His voice dropped a husky octave as he nuzzled the back of Mark’s neck.
“Winner?” Mark breathed, feeling the hardening bar of a growing erection against his jean-clad ass. Joe’s body was boldly broadcasting his interest even as his heat was penetrating the thin layer of Mark’s clothing, the warmth sinking into his chilled flesh. He tilted his head to give greater access to the soft lips roaming over his skin.
“Winner off this little hide and seek contest.”
The hot breath wafting over the side of his throat scattered Mark’s thoughts and made him shiver. “I don’t know. I didn’t think that far ahead. How about the cheesecake I brought for dessert?”
“Is that all? We were going to have that anyway.”
“Well, I didn’t exactly pack any prizes along with the food. It’s the best I can offer right now.”
“You must be joking.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Baby, you’ve got something so much better than cheesecake.” Joe’s arms tightened around him. “Remember the first time I brought you here?”
“You mean when you chased me and made me fall in a puddle of mud?”
“We agreed that wasn’t my fault so let’s not start that argument again. I was talking about what I wanted to do to you when we first viewed the spot where we’re building our house.” Joe began urging Mark’s footsteps toward the tree he’d previously used as cover. One of the arms holding him loosened and a large hand slid over Mark’s belly and down to cup his crotch. “I wanted to christen the site by fucking you up against a tree.”
“Oh God.” Mark’s breaths started to speed, becoming short, audible pants. His cock hardened beneath the uncompromising rub of Joe’s determined fingers. “Of course I remember. I also remember saying no.”
“That’s only because the ground was muddy.” A wet, teasing tongue traced over the whorls of Mark’s ear. “It’s not muddy now.”
“You… you… not fair,” Mark groaned. “You know that drives me nuts.” He moaned again when Joe’s tongue dipped inside his ear, executing a slow thrust and withdrawal.
“I know, baby. Want to make you feel so good,” Joe murmured. His hands lightly gripped Mark’s wrists and guided his arms to wrap around the tree trunk. Mark’s fingers found purchase against the rough bark. “Hold on tight now.”
Before he could muster a reply, Joe’s hands had dropped to Mark’s waist. The button and zipper of his jeans were opened and his pants and briefs were quickly lowered. Cool air caressed his naked flanks and Mark could hear the sound of Joe’s movements as he did something then the metallic grind of a second zipper being lowered. The warmth of Joe’s body brushed against his skin and a large hand cupped one curved cheek of his ass. Two slick fingers insinuated themselves into the cleft between both smooth globes and brushed over the tender flesh of his entrance.
“Mmm,” Mark moaned and pushed back into Joe’s touch. “You brought lube?”
“Of course,” Joe growled. “I wasn’t going to lose my chance a second time. This isn’t the building site but it’ll do.” His fingertips breached the tight ring of Mark’s anus.
Mark rocked against that gentle penetration, helping in the process that soon saw Joe’s fingers fully engulfed in his tight, silky sheath. The careful scissoring of those fingers eased Mark open, making him ready for the thick column of Joe’s engorged cock. Fingers were withdrawn and the smooth head nudged forward and retreated, each time stretching the muscles that guarded Mark’s passage until a firm push lodged the swollen crown within. Mark’s muscles convulsively tightened.
“Easy, baby,” Joe crooned, one hand sliding beneath Mark’s tee shirt to rub his belly while the other gently kneaded his hip. “Relax for me. Pretend I’m your vampire lover.”
A lascivious shiver shot down Mark’s spine at the image that hot whisper provoked. Joe’s mouth settled against the lower curve of his lover’s neck and he lightly bit down, his tongue licking and soothing the resultant teeth marks left in his Mark’s flesh. Amply distracted, Mark’s abruptly indrawn breath hitched and he moaned, his muscles relaxing, allowing Joe to slide home.
Shaking with the sensations racing through him, Mark shifted his stance and provocatively arched his back. He tilted his ass up in a manner designed to entice. “Fuck me hard,” he boldly demanded.
With a rumbling growl, Joe readily complied and ground his hips against the two pillowy mounds he was buried between before withdrawing. The sleek slide of that deeply immersed cock brushed the nerve-rich gland within Mark’s passage and he groaned, his fingers tightening on the rough tree bark under his hands. Using the tree for leverage, he slammed back into Joe’s thrust and a fast, powerful rhythm was established.
Whether from the excitement of the game they’d played or the fright he’d received, Mark was flying on an adrenaline charged high. He didn’t want slow and easy. This rapid, lustful coupling suited his need to a tee and he seized every sensation. His world narrowed to the rough tree bark grinding against his palms and fingers, the cool air caressing his painfully full erection and the thick cock that pistoned within his sleek, wet sheath.
Joe enfolded Mark within his embrace; one arm wrapped around his waist the other around his hip. Long, lightly callused and experienced fingers encircled his cock and Mark cried out as Joe pumped his rigid length in counterpoint to the thrusting rhythm of his hips. Impending climax came rushing forth to devour him. Mark could feel it in the fiery tingle at the base of his spine. He knew his lover was close as well from the short, desperate jabs of Joe’s cock within him to the harsh grunts that sounded in his ear.
When the urgent surge of pleasure began there was no stopping it. Mark cried out, shoving his cock hard into Joe’s fist as the first forceful spurt of his pearly semen spattered against the tree trunk. His body tensed and shuddered with each subsequent release, his passage gripping his lover, demanding Joe’s orgasm. Joe’s grating, guttural groan signaled his capitulation and Mark rode the exhilarating rush of their shared climax as it peaked then descended into a calm and sated peace.
Joe gently disengaged their bodies, pulled Mark into his arms, twisted around and leaned back against the tree. Resting against him, Mark listened to the steady thud of Joe’s heart as it slowed to its normal pace. Joe’s hands rubbed up and down Mark’s back then one lowered to cup a bare cheek.
“Your butt’s getting cold.”
Mark could hear the smile in Joe’s voice. “What do you expect? I’m standing here naked from the waist down.”
Joe slid a finger under Mark’s chin, tilted it up and brought their lips together. Mark opened his mouth for the lazy sweep of Joe’s tongue, loving the slow and sensual post-coital kisses they shared. Eventually their lips parted and Joe whispered. “I like you this way but if you insist…”
With a bit of maneuvering, he reached down and pulled Mark’s pant’s up. Mark helped by tucking in the more sensitive bits while Joe rearranged his own clothes.
“Come on. Let’s pack our stuff up and go back to your place. We can eat cheesecake in bed,” Joe enticed.
“Mmm, I like the sound of that.” Mark admitted.
“You know, we still need to christen the building site. How about another round of hide and seek tomorrow night?”
“No way.”
“Oh, come on. I’ll make it worth your while.”
“Nothing you do is going to make possible cardiac arrest fun. I wasn’t kidding when I said you nearly scared me to death,” Mark admonished.
“Are you sure? How about if I…” Joe leaned down and whispered in Mark’s ear.
Mark’s stomach flipped even as he felt heat infuse his cheeks. “Well… I guess I could think about it.”
Joe’s warm chuckle brought a sheepish smile to Mark’s lips. His lover’s arm slid around his waist and the two of them began the companionable walk back to where their little adventure had begun.
Through the canopy of trees over head, Mark glanced up at the cool opalescent orb of the moon. It illuminated his way through a darkness that otherwise would have been impenetrable. Peering cautiously from behind the tree that sheltered him, he gauged the distance between where he stood and the next, and possibly better, hiding place. Like a wild animal, he held perfectly still, his ears straining to hear any small sound while his eyes searched for any movement in this haunting, shadow-shrouded wood.
The night’s stillness was broken by the chirping of crickets and the soft soughing of air that whispered through the leaves of the brush and trees that surrounded him. The only motion he could detect was those same leaves swaying as they were touched by the ghostly fingers of the gentle wind that danced over them. Satisfied, he stealthily crept to what he hoped was a safe haven.
Taking those few steps into the open, bordered on frightening. His skin prickled. Tension and apprehension stretched every nerve in his body taut and a fine sheen of sweat broke over him while his heart pounded and his lungs labored.
Having made it to the next refuge, he leaned against the rough bark of yet another tree. Hidden by the surrounding thicket that, with any luck, hid him from the view of his pursuer, he took deep and quiet breaths trying desperately to still the near frantic beat of his heart. Hide and seek was supposed to be fun but this little game he’d started suddenly seemed fraught with danger. He shivered when a cool breeze caressed the nape of his neck.
Resisting the urge to rub the goose bumps that marched up and down his arms, Mark debated the merits of moving on when a rustling in the underbrush nearby made him freeze. His lungs seized and his heart jumped with the jolt of pure adrenalin that flooded his veins. For a breathless shock-laden moment, time seemed to stand still. His eyes widened and his lips parted as he fixed his anxious regard on the brush before him. Expecting it to part and reveal the hunter, instead, his astonished gaze was drawn downward when a furry body was disgorged from its place of concealment.
Man and beast stared at each other for a split second before pure panic set them both in motion. The startled raccoon seemed to double in size as every hair on its body stood on end. It did an odd circling dance as though confused as to what to do or in which direction to run. Seeing it make a bewildered rush toward where he stood, Mark frantically back pedaled then let out a warbling cry when his back connected with a solid slab of male muscle.
Two strong arms trapped him within an unbreakable circle and a deep voice growled in his ear. “Gotcha.”
Mark’s heart made a desperate leap for freedom. “Fuck! Damn it, Joe! You nearly scared me to death!”
“That’s what you get for running away from me. What’s the big idea anyway? One minute you’re off to pee on a tree and the next I hear your voice from what sounds like a mile away daring me to come and find you.”
Mark took a deep, shuddery breath and sagged in Joe’s arms. “I just thought it would be fun. You know, a little hide and seek in the dark? Didn’t you ever do that when you were a kid?”
“Sure. My brother, sister and I used to play that with the neighbor kids. As I recall there was usually a lot of running, yelling and outright screaming going on when someone managed to sneak up on someone else. Sort of like the screaming you just did.”
“I didn’t not scream.”
“Yeah you did… you shrieked like a little girl.”
“Did not, asshole.”
“Asshole? Is that anyway to talk to the man who just rescued you from a big bad raccoon?”
“You didn’t rescue me. He was already scared.”
“Not as scared as you, I’ll bet.”
Mark laughed. Now that all his tension had drained away he felt almost giddy with relief and was seeing the humor in the situation. “Probably not.”
“So, what prize does the winner receive?” Joe asked. His voice dropped a husky octave as he nuzzled the back of Mark’s neck.
“Winner?” Mark breathed, feeling the hardening bar of a growing erection against his jean-clad ass. Joe’s body was boldly broadcasting his interest even as his heat was penetrating the thin layer of Mark’s clothing, the warmth sinking into his chilled flesh. He tilted his head to give greater access to the soft lips roaming over his skin.
“Winner off this little hide and seek contest.”
The hot breath wafting over the side of his throat scattered Mark’s thoughts and made him shiver. “I don’t know. I didn’t think that far ahead. How about the cheesecake I brought for dessert?”
“Is that all? We were going to have that anyway.”
“Well, I didn’t exactly pack any prizes along with the food. It’s the best I can offer right now.”
“You must be joking.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Baby, you’ve got something so much better than cheesecake.” Joe’s arms tightened around him. “Remember the first time I brought you here?”
“You mean when you chased me and made me fall in a puddle of mud?”
“We agreed that wasn’t my fault so let’s not start that argument again. I was talking about what I wanted to do to you when we first viewed the spot where we’re building our house.” Joe began urging Mark’s footsteps toward the tree he’d previously used as cover. One of the arms holding him loosened and a large hand slid over Mark’s belly and down to cup his crotch. “I wanted to christen the site by fucking you up against a tree.”
“Oh God.” Mark’s breaths started to speed, becoming short, audible pants. His cock hardened beneath the uncompromising rub of Joe’s determined fingers. “Of course I remember. I also remember saying no.”
“That’s only because the ground was muddy.” A wet, teasing tongue traced over the whorls of Mark’s ear. “It’s not muddy now.”
“You… you… not fair,” Mark groaned. “You know that drives me nuts.” He moaned again when Joe’s tongue dipped inside his ear, executing a slow thrust and withdrawal.
“I know, baby. Want to make you feel so good,” Joe murmured. His hands lightly gripped Mark’s wrists and guided his arms to wrap around the tree trunk. Mark’s fingers found purchase against the rough bark. “Hold on tight now.”
Before he could muster a reply, Joe’s hands had dropped to Mark’s waist. The button and zipper of his jeans were opened and his pants and briefs were quickly lowered. Cool air caressed his naked flanks and Mark could hear the sound of Joe’s movements as he did something then the metallic grind of a second zipper being lowered. The warmth of Joe’s body brushed against his skin and a large hand cupped one curved cheek of his ass. Two slick fingers insinuated themselves into the cleft between both smooth globes and brushed over the tender flesh of his entrance.
“Mmm,” Mark moaned and pushed back into Joe’s touch. “You brought lube?”
“Of course,” Joe growled. “I wasn’t going to lose my chance a second time. This isn’t the building site but it’ll do.” His fingertips breached the tight ring of Mark’s anus.
Mark rocked against that gentle penetration, helping in the process that soon saw Joe’s fingers fully engulfed in his tight, silky sheath. The careful scissoring of those fingers eased Mark open, making him ready for the thick column of Joe’s engorged cock. Fingers were withdrawn and the smooth head nudged forward and retreated, each time stretching the muscles that guarded Mark’s passage until a firm push lodged the swollen crown within. Mark’s muscles convulsively tightened.
“Easy, baby,” Joe crooned, one hand sliding beneath Mark’s tee shirt to rub his belly while the other gently kneaded his hip. “Relax for me. Pretend I’m your vampire lover.”
A lascivious shiver shot down Mark’s spine at the image that hot whisper provoked. Joe’s mouth settled against the lower curve of his lover’s neck and he lightly bit down, his tongue licking and soothing the resultant teeth marks left in his Mark’s flesh. Amply distracted, Mark’s abruptly indrawn breath hitched and he moaned, his muscles relaxing, allowing Joe to slide home.
Shaking with the sensations racing through him, Mark shifted his stance and provocatively arched his back. He tilted his ass up in a manner designed to entice. “Fuck me hard,” he boldly demanded.
With a rumbling growl, Joe readily complied and ground his hips against the two pillowy mounds he was buried between before withdrawing. The sleek slide of that deeply immersed cock brushed the nerve-rich gland within Mark’s passage and he groaned, his fingers tightening on the rough tree bark under his hands. Using the tree for leverage, he slammed back into Joe’s thrust and a fast, powerful rhythm was established.
Whether from the excitement of the game they’d played or the fright he’d received, Mark was flying on an adrenaline charged high. He didn’t want slow and easy. This rapid, lustful coupling suited his need to a tee and he seized every sensation. His world narrowed to the rough tree bark grinding against his palms and fingers, the cool air caressing his painfully full erection and the thick cock that pistoned within his sleek, wet sheath.
Joe enfolded Mark within his embrace; one arm wrapped around his waist the other around his hip. Long, lightly callused and experienced fingers encircled his cock and Mark cried out as Joe pumped his rigid length in counterpoint to the thrusting rhythm of his hips. Impending climax came rushing forth to devour him. Mark could feel it in the fiery tingle at the base of his spine. He knew his lover was close as well from the short, desperate jabs of Joe’s cock within him to the harsh grunts that sounded in his ear.
When the urgent surge of pleasure began there was no stopping it. Mark cried out, shoving his cock hard into Joe’s fist as the first forceful spurt of his pearly semen spattered against the tree trunk. His body tensed and shuddered with each subsequent release, his passage gripping his lover, demanding Joe’s orgasm. Joe’s grating, guttural groan signaled his capitulation and Mark rode the exhilarating rush of their shared climax as it peaked then descended into a calm and sated peace.
Joe gently disengaged their bodies, pulled Mark into his arms, twisted around and leaned back against the tree. Resting against him, Mark listened to the steady thud of Joe’s heart as it slowed to its normal pace. Joe’s hands rubbed up and down Mark’s back then one lowered to cup a bare cheek.
“Your butt’s getting cold.”
Mark could hear the smile in Joe’s voice. “What do you expect? I’m standing here naked from the waist down.”
Joe slid a finger under Mark’s chin, tilted it up and brought their lips together. Mark opened his mouth for the lazy sweep of Joe’s tongue, loving the slow and sensual post-coital kisses they shared. Eventually their lips parted and Joe whispered. “I like you this way but if you insist…”
With a bit of maneuvering, he reached down and pulled Mark’s pant’s up. Mark helped by tucking in the more sensitive bits while Joe rearranged his own clothes.
“Come on. Let’s pack our stuff up and go back to your place. We can eat cheesecake in bed,” Joe enticed.
“Mmm, I like the sound of that.” Mark admitted.
“You know, we still need to christen the building site. How about another round of hide and seek tomorrow night?”
“No way.”
“Oh, come on. I’ll make it worth your while.”
“Nothing you do is going to make possible cardiac arrest fun. I wasn’t kidding when I said you nearly scared me to death,” Mark admonished.
“Are you sure? How about if I…” Joe leaned down and whispered in Mark’s ear.
Mark’s stomach flipped even as he felt heat infuse his cheeks. “Well… I guess I could think about it.”
Joe’s warm chuckle brought a sheepish smile to Mark’s lips. His lover’s arm slid around his waist and the two of them began the companionable walk back to where their little adventure had begun.
At 12:47 PM,
Ywashere said…
Hot stuff! I loved the out-in-the-open sex, and now I just want to know what the heck he wispered in Mark's ear?...
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